Newsletter | Congressman Francisco Canceso
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Congressman Canseco’s Weekly Column
A Fundamental Responsibility 

Adopting a budget - whether it is for a family, a business, or a government - is one of the most fundamental and vital of responsibilities. A budget is more than just numbers on a page.  It is a statement of priorities and values, and it serves as a guiding document for an organization.

Unfortunately, the federal government has been without a budget for the past three years because the United States Senate has refused to pass one.  At a time when our national debt has reached $16 trillion and we find ourselves in the middle of a spending-driven debt crisis, the Senate's abdication of responsibility is unacceptable.  The American people deserve better from their elected representatives.

Passing a budget is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue.  It is a fundamental responsibility of Congress.  As a former Democratic Chairman of the House Budget Committee once said, "If you can't budget, you can't govern." When the Senate fails to pass a budget, the resulting uncertainty hurts businesses and families all across America.

The House of Representatives understands this, which is why I've supported the budget passed by the House in each of the last two years.  The House budget reins in the out-of-control federal spending that has gone on for too long under both parties, while at the same time ensuring that vital priorities are met, like making sure our troops and the most vulnerable Americans receive the support they need.  More importantly, the House budget would also save Medicare, a vital program for America's seniors that will go bankrupt if we do nothing and fail to reform it.  Despite what you might have heard about the House budget, it makes no changes to Medicare for those Americans who are 55 or older, and allows those who are younger than 55 to have different health care options to choose from, including staying in traditional Medicare, to receive their Medicare benefits.

The fiscal and economic stakes couldn't be higher for our country right now. If we do nothing, we're firmly on our way to becoming the next Greece and letting important programs like Medicare go bankrupt, breaking the promises made to millions of current and future seniors. In the House, we have passed an honest, fiscally responsible, common-sense budget that confronts our spending-driven debt crisis and provides the certainty that our economy so badly needs.  It is time for the United States Senate to do the same.

A former small business owner and lifelong Texan, Congressman Canseco proudly represents the 23rd District of Texas. You may contact Congressman Canseco at:

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