Press Release

Dreier Praises Launch of Clerk's New Website for House Documents

January 17, 2012


For Immediate Release: 
January 17, 2012
Contact:  Doug Andres 
(202) 225-9191

Dreier Praises Launch of Clerk’s New Website for House Documents

WASHINGTON, DC – Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA) praised the launch of a new website hosted by the House Clerk, which will serve as the official repository for electronic files of legislative text considered in the House of Representatives. By publishing legislative documents to a centralized online portal in XML – an open, machine-readable format – this website delivers yet again on House Republicans' promise to enhance institutional transparency and accountability.

“When Republicans took the Majority last year, we promised to change the way the House of Representatives conducts the people’s business. That’s why we adopted rules that for the first time promote the use of electronic files rather than paper printed at taxpayer expense, cutting costs and increasing public access. Chairman Lungren and the Committee on House Administration have brought us a site that will provide Members, staff, and the public a centralized location to read and scrutinize the bills being considered by the House. I look forward to working with them as we continue to implement our pledge for a more open and transparent House.”