October 31, 2012 - OCE Third Quarter 2012 Report

OCE Third Quarter 2012 Report (PDF 64KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the third Quarter of 2012.

1 Subjects of two additional preliminary reviews that began in the previous quarter resigned and were no longer subject to Board or Committee jurisdiction. Therefore the Board too no further action.

2 Subjects of two additional second-phase reviews resigned before the OCE completed its investigation. Therefore the Board took no further action.


Above is a chart of the matters that the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics pending release.

3 This date is calculated pursuant to Committee on Ethics Rules authorizing the Committee to postpone any reporting requirement that falls within a 60-day period before an election, in which the subject of the referral is a candidate.

August 31, 2012 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Robert Andrews

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Robert Andrews (PDF 4.7MB)

On April 2, 2012, The Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Robert Andrews.

Nature of Review

Representative Robert Andrews may have improperly used congressional campaign and Leadership PAC funds to pay for a personal, family trip to Scotland in June 2011. Representative Andrews may have also improperly used congressional campaign funds to pay for various trips to Los Angeles in 2011 and for his daughter's graduation party in June 2011, among other potential personal uses.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations concerning Representative Andrews because there is a substantial reason to believe that he improperly used congressional campaign and Leadership PAC funds for personal use, in violation of House rules and federal law.

Committee Conclusion

On August 31, 2012, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).

July 26, 2012 - OCE Second Quarter 2012 Report

OCE Second Quarter 2012 Report (PDF 61KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the second quarter of 2012.


Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that have not yet but must be made public.

May 9, 2012 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Vern Buchanan

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Vern Buchanan (PDF 4.4MB)

On February 9, 2012, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Vern Buchanan.

Nature of Review

Representative Vern Buchanan's former business partner claims that Representative Buchanan made a $2.9 million lawsuit settlement agreement contingent on the business partner signing a false affidavit to be filed with the Federal Election Commission ("FEC"). The affidavit was related to allegations that individuals who contributed to Vern Buchanan for Congress received reimbursements from automobile dealerships owned by Representative Buchanan.

If Representative Buchanan attempted to influence the testimony of a witness in a preceeding before the FEC in the manner alleged, he may have violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 201, 1505, and 1512, and House Rule 23, clause 1.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Buchanan attempted to influence the testimony of a witness in a proceeding before the FEC in violation of 8 U.S.C. §§ 201, 1505, and 1512, and House Rule 23, clause 1.

Committee Conclusion

On May 9, 2012, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).


OCE Response to March 8, 2012, Letter from Patton Boggs LLP (PDF 550KB)

April 17, 2012 - OCE First Quarter 2012 Report

OCE First Quarter 2012 Report (PDF 61KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the first quarter of 2012.

1. The OCE Board considered and voted to refer to the Committee on Ethics three matters in the first quarter, which were finalized and transmitted in the second quarter. These cases will be accounted for in the second quarter report.


Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that have not yet but must become public.

2. Pursuant to Committee Rules, the Committee may postpone any reporting requirement that falls within a 60-day period until after the date of the election in which the subject of the referral is a candidate.

February 6, 2012 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Vern Buchanan

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Vern Buchanan (PDF 21MB)

On November 8, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Vern Buchanan.

Nature of Review

During the period from 2007 to 2010, certain companies and organizations filed annual reports with the Florida Department of State that list Representative Buchanan as an officer or director.  Representative Buchanan filed financial disclosure statements during this time that do not include the positions that he held with these companies and organizations.  Also, his financial disclosure statements report an amount of unearned income that he received from certain companies that is inconsistent with the amount he reports on his federal income tax returns.

If Representative Buchanan failed to include positions he held with companies and organizations in his financial disclosure statements or failed to report unearned income, he may have violated House Rule 26 and the Ethics in Government Act.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Buchanan failed to disclose reportable positions and unearned income on his financial disclosure statements for calendar years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

Committee Conclusion

On February 6, 2012, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review.  The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).

On July 10, 2012, the Committee released a report finding that Representative Buchanan did not report, in complete and accurate detail, all of the positions or ownership interests he held with several entities on his Financial Disclosure Statements for 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, and that he did not accurately report certain income received from those same entities in the same years. The Committee noted that, after being notified by OCE of their inquiry, Representative Buchanan amended his statements to reflect his positions with or ownership interests in certain entities, and income earned from these entities. The Committee found no evidence that the errors were knowing or willful. The Committee determined that Representative Buchanan had remedied these errors and omissions by his subsequent amendments and that no further action by the Committee was warranted.

January 24, 2012 - OCE Fourth Quarter 2011 Report

OCE Fourth Quarter 2011 Report (PDF 60KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the fourth quarter of 2011

4Q 2011 Release.jpg

Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that have not yet but must be made public

January 11, 2012 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Alcee Hastings

 OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Hastings (PDF 1.75MB)

On October 13, 2011, The Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Alcee Hastings.

Nature of Review

On March 7, 2011, Witness 1 filed an employment discrimination lawsuit against the United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe ("Helsinki Commission"), Representative Alcee Hastings, and Helsinki Commission Staff Director, Fred Turner.  The suit alleged that from January 2008 through February 2010, while employed at the Helsinki Commission, Witness 1 endured unwelcome sexual advances, sexual comments, and unwelcome touching by Representative Hastings.  Witness 1 alleged that she repeatedly complained about the conduct to the Helsinki Commission and Mr. Turner, and that Representative Hastings and Mr. Turner affected the conditions of her employement because she objected to Representative Hastings' conduct.

If Representative Hastings engaged in the conduct described above, he may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is probable cause to believe that Representative Hastings violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law as a result of his interactions with Witness 1.

Committe Conclusion

On January 11, 2012, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it would continue to gather information necessary to complete its review. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).

December 20, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Don Young

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Young (PDF 1.98MB)

On October 13, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Don Young.

Nature of Review

Representative Don Young may have accepted contributions to his legal expense fund in excess of the limitations of $5,000 per calendar year from any individual or organization.  The Congressman Don Young Legal Expense Trust's disclosure report for the first quarter 2011, filed by Representative Young with the Committee on Ethics on April 20, 2011, lists twelve $5,000 contributions from twelve affiliated entities that may have been directed by a single individual.

If the twelve contributions came from a single source, the contributions may have exceeded the annual $5,000 per organization or individual contribution limit provided for in House rules and Committee on Ethics regulations governing legal expense funds.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 20, 2011, the Committee on Ethics released a report indicating that it had dismissed the above allegations, but simultaneously adopted revised regulations regarding legal expense funds, which, among other changes, clarified that contributions by certain entities could be attributed to the owners of those entities.

December 2, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Jackson (PDF 5.4MB)

On August 6, 2009, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Nature of Review

Transcripts of recordings of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich contain statements that an "emissary" from Representative Jackson had offered to raise money for Blagojevich and provide "money up-front," if Blagojevich nominted Representative Jackson to the Illinois Senate seat vacated by President Obama. If this "emissary" acted either at the directio of Representative Jackson or with his knowledge or acquiescence, Representative Jackson may have violated federal law and House rules.

In the course of conducting this review, the OCE learned that staff resources of the Representative's Washington, DC and Chicago, Illinois, offices were used to mount a "public campaign" to secure the Representative's appointment to the U.S. Senate. In doing so, Representative Jackson may have violated federal law and House Rules concerning the proper use of the Member's Representational Allowance.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 2, 2011, the Committee on Ethics (previously the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct) released a statement indicating that it had accepted the OCE recommendation to further review the allegations. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee Rule 18(a).

October 31, 2011 - OCE Third Quarter 2011 Report

OCE Third Quarter 2011 Report (PDF 62KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the third quarter of 2011

1 The Board considered and voted to refer to the Committee on Ethics two matters in the third quarter, which were finalized and transmitted in the fourth quarter. These cases will be accounted for in the fourth quarter report.


Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that have not yet but must be made public

August 5, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Meeks

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Meeks (PDF 4.2MB)

On May 18, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Gregory Meeks.

Nature of Review

In 2007, Representative Gregory Meeks received $40,000 from a personal freinds, Edul Ahmad. In 2010, Representative Meeks received a $59,650 home equity loan from Four M Investments, LLC.

If Representative Meeks accepted a home equity loan from an individual without prior approval from the Committee on Ethics (formerly Committee on Standards of Official Conduct) or from a commerical institution on terms not available to the general public, he may have violated House rules and standards of conduct.

During the course of its review, the Office of Congressional Ethics learned that the $40,000 Representative Meeks received from Edul Ahmad appeared to lack the normal indicia, including a set interest rate or repayment terms, of a legitimate loan. Therefore, this $40,000 transferred to Representative Meeks in 2007 appears to have been a gift. Representative meeks did not disclose the $40,000 amount as a gift on his Calendar Year 2007 United States House of Representatives Financial Disclosure Statement (filed in May 2008), his Calendar Year 2008 Amended Financial Disclosure Statement (filed in 2009), or his Calendar Year 2009 Amended Financial Disclosure Statement (filed in 2010).

If Representative Meeks failed to properly disclose the $40,000 as a gift on his Calendar Year 2007, 2008, and 2009 Financial Disclosure Statements, he may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is a substantial reason to believe that Representative Meeks failed to properly disclose the $40,000 as a gift on his 2007, 2008, and 2009 Financial Disclosure Statements in violation of House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

Committee Conclusion

On August 5, 2011, the Committee on Ethics released a statement indicating it had accepted the recommendations of the OCE to dismiss allegations regarding the 2010 loan and further review the allegations regarding the 2007 loan. The Committee published the OCE report and findings and announced the allegations regarding the 2010 loan would be further reviewed pursuant to the Committee's Rule 18(a).

August 5, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Mr. Collins

OCE Referral Regarding Mr. Collins (PDF 8.2MB)

On May 18, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Mr. Michael Collins.

Nature of Review

Michael Collins, Chief of Staff for Representative John Lewis, is employed as a consultant with the John Lewis for Congress campaign committee. From 2007 to 2009, the campaign committee reported paying Mr. Collins consulting fees totaling $42,000. On June 16, 2008, Mr. Collins filed his calendar year 2007 financial disclosure statement and did not report income earned from the campaign committee. Mr. Collins filed his financial disclosure for calendar years 2008 and 2009 without reporting the income earned from the campaign committee. The consulting fees earned in 2009 were not disclosed on his federal income tax return.

Mr. Collins was subject to the 2009 outside earned income limit of $26,550. The campaign committee reported paying Mr. Collins $27,000 in 2009.

If Mr. Collins received income from the campaign committee and failed to disclose the earned income on his financial disclosure statements and federal income tax returns, he may have violated House rules and federal law. Also, if Mr. Collins received more than $26,550 of earned income in 2009, he may have violated House rules and federal law.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommends that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is a substantial reason to believe that Michael Collins violated House rules and federal law by exceeding the outside earned income limit and failing to report the income on his financial disclosure statements and federal income tax returns.

Committee Conclusion

On August 5, 2011, the Committee released a report and issued a letter of reproval to Mr. Collins. The Committee determined that Mr. Collins violated House rules, laws, and regulations, or other standards of conduct by failing to report outside earned income he had received from 2005 through 2010 on his financial disclosure statements and his federal income taxes for each year. For his violation, Mr. Collins agreed to accept a series of sanctions and remedies offered by the Committee.

August 5, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Mr. Hill

OCE Referral Regarding Mr. Hill (PDF 2MB)

On May 18, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Mr. Gregory Hill.

Nature of Review

Gregory Hill, chief of staff for Representative Michael McCaul, disclosed outside earned income of $26,500 on his Calendar Year 2009 Financial Disclosure Statement from Representative Michael McCaul's campaign committee, McCaul for Congress, Inc. Mr. Hill was considered 'senior staff' in 2009 and subject to the outside earned income limit of $26,550. However, Mr. Hill received $32,000 from McCaul for Congress Inc., $5,450 over the 2009 limit. In February 2011, Mr. Hill paid back $4,831.45 to McCaul for Congress Inc.

If Mr. Hill received more than $26,550 of outside earned income from McCaul for Congress Inc. in 2009, he may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is a substantial reason to believe that in 2009, Greg Hill received more than $26,550 of earned outside income from McCaul for Congress, Inc., in violation of House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.

Committee Conclusion

On August 5, 2011, the Committee released a report in which it determined that Mr. Hill received outside income in 2009 that exceeded the outside earned income limit. The report stated that Mr. Hill had taken satisfactory steps to repay the excess amount and report it on his Financial Disclosure Statement for 2009. The Committee found that no further action was necessary and considered the matter closed.

August 5, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Schmidt

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Schmidt (PDF 13.8MB)

On May 18, 2011, the Office of Congressional Ethics transmitted a referral to the Committee on Ethics of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Jean Schmidt.

Nature of Review

Representative Jean Schmidt may have received free legal services that are considered gifts under House rules. Since 2008, three lawyers for the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund ("TALDF") have represented her in various legal matters related to a complaint that she filed with the Ohio Election Commission against Mr. David Krikorian, a challenger to her congressional seat.

The Turkish Coalition of America ("TCA") has paid the TALDF lawyers a total of approximately $500,000 for the legal services provided to Representative Schmidt during the past three years. TCA currently pays the lawyers to represent her in an ongoing defamation suit that she filed against Mr. Krikorian in Ohio state court. Representative Schmidt has not paid for any of the legal services.

If Representative Schmidt accepted free legal services without establishing a legal expense fund, she may have violated House rules. She also may have violated House rules and federal law by not including the free legal service as gifts on her financial disclosure statements.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommends that the Committee on Ethics further review the above allegations because there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Schmidt: (1) accepted legal services from TALDF without establishing a legal expense fund; and (2) failed to report the legal services on her financial disclosure statements for calendar years 2008 and 2009.

Committee Conclusion

On August 5, 2011, the Committee released a report in which it determined that Representative Schmidt had received an impermissible gift from TCA. The Committee found that Representative Schmidt did not know she was receiving a gift from TCA, and that no sanction was appropriate. The Committee stated that Representative Schmidt must now disclose and repay the gift.

July 18, 2011 - OCE Second Quarter 2011 Report

OCE Second Quarter 2011 Report (PDF 76KB)

2Q 2011_Summary of Activity.jpg

Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the second quarter of 2011

2Q 2011_Release Schedule.jpg

Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that have not yet but must be made public

April 25, 2011 - OCE First Quarter 2011 Report

OCE First Quarter 2011 Report (PDF 96 KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the first quarter of 2011


Above is a chart of the matter the OCE has referred to the Committee on Ethics that has not yet but must be made public

January 31, 2011 - OCE Fourth Quarter 2010 Report

OCE Fourth Quarter 2010 Report (PDF 96KB)

OCE Q4 2010 Numbers.jpg

Above is a statistical summary of the actions of the Board of the OCE in the 111th Congress.

OCE Q4 2010 Disclosure.jpg

Above is a chart of the matters the OCE has referred to the Standards Committee that have not yet but must be made public.

January 26, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Campbell

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Campbell (PDF 1.4MB)

On September 1, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative John Campbell.

Nature of Review

H.R. 4173, formally known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (hereafter the “Financial Reform Bill”) was reported out of the Committee on Financial Services on the afternoon of December 2, 2009. The Financial Reform Bill was passed by the House on December 11, 2009. Previously, while the Committee on Financial Services marked up two pieces of legislation that would later be incorporated within the Financial Reform Bill, Representative Campbell held a “Financial Services Dinner.” Further, in the nine day period between December 2nd and December 11th, Representative Campbell held two fundraising events for his campaign committee. At one fundraising event, two days before the final vote, all attendees were entities or individuals registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill. At another event on the same day, ten out of eleven attendees were entities or individuals registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill. In addition, Representative Campbell’s professional fundraiser offered one-on-one meetings between Representative Campbell and entities registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill during the nine day period noted above.

If Representative Campbell solicited or accepted contributions in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was being provided to donors or the appearance that the contributions were linked to an official act, then he may have violated House Rules and Standards of Conduct.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations because there is a substantial reason to believe that Representative Crowley solicited or accepted contributions in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was provided to donors or that contributions were linked to an official act.

Committee Conclusion

On January 26, 2011, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

January 26, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Price

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Price (PDF 1MB)

On September 1, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Thomas Price.

Nature of Review

H.R. 4173, formally known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009, was reported out of the Committee on Financial Services on the afternoon of December 2, 2009. H.R. 4173 (the “Financial Reform Bill”) was passed by the House on December 11, 2009. On December 10, 2009, Representative Price held a fundraiser for his campaign committee called the “Financial Services Industry Luncheon” that appeared to solicit entities or individuals registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill. Further, Representative Price’s professional fundraiser offered one-on-one meetings between Representative Price and entities registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill in December 2009.

If Representative Price solicited or accepted contributions in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was being provided to donors or the appearance that the contributions were linked to an official act, then he may have violated House Rules and Standards of Conduct.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommends that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations because there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Price solicited or accepted contributions at the fundraiser he held on December 10, 2009, in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was provided to donors or that contributions were linked to an official act.

Committee Conclusion

On January 26, 2011, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

January 26, 2011 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Crowley

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Crowley (PDF 1.5MB)

On November 3, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Joseph Crowley.

Nature of Review

H.R. 4173, formally known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (the “Financial Reform Bill”) was reported out of the Committee on Financial Services on the afternoon of December 2, 2009. The Financial Reform Bill was passed by the House on December 11, 2009. During that nine-day interim period, Representative Crowley held four fundraising events for his congressional and leadership campaign committees. At two fundraising events, all attendees represented entities or were individuals registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill. Further, Representative Crowley’s professional fundraiser offered one-on-one meetings between Representative Crowley and entities registered to lobby on the Financial Reform Bill during the nine-day period noted above.

If Representative Crowley solicited or accepted contributions in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was being provided to donors or the appearance that the contributions were linked to an official act, then he may have violated House Rules and Standards of Conduct.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations because there is a substantial reason to believe that Representative Crowley solicited or accepted contributions in a manner which gave the appearance that special treatment or access was provided to donors or that contributions were linked to an official act.

Committee Conclusion

On January 26, 2011, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Wilson

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Wilson (PDF 4MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Joe Wilson.

Nature of Review

During the time period from March 2008 to May 2010, Representative Joe Wilson participated in various Congressional Delegation trips abroad. These public statements attributed to Representative Wilson indicate that he may have used the per diem for impermissible purposes during various trips.

If Representative Wilson’s actual meal and incidental expenses for foreign travel were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8 and House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Ortiz

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Ortiz (PDF 4.5MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Solomon P. Ortiz.

Nature of Review

During the time period from March 2008 to May 2010, Representative Solomon P. Ortiz participated in various Congressional Delegation trips abroad. These public statements attributed to Representative Ortiz indicate that he may have retained excess per diems that he received during the trips.

If Representative Ortiz’s actual meal and incidental expenses during for foreign travel were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8, and House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Aderholt

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Aderholt (PDF 3.4MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Robert B. Aderholt.

Nature of Review

In 2009, Representative Robert B. Aderholt participated in a Congressional Delegation to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Belarus, Lithuania, and Greece. During the trip, he received a travel per diem for meals and incidental expenses with an approximate value of $941.00. A public statement attributed to Representative Aderholt indicated that he may have retained excess per diem allocated for meals and incidental expenses. In addition, these public statements indicate that he may have retained per diem during other trips.

If Representative Aderholt’s actual meal and incidental expenses for foreign travel were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8; House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion


On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.


December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Butterfield

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Butterfield (PDF 3.5MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative G.K. Butterfield.

Nature of Review

In 2009, Representative G. K. Butterfield participated in a Congressional Delegation to Lithuania. During the trip, he received a travel per diem for meals and incidental expenses with an approximate value of $800.00. Public statements attributed to Representative Butterfield indicated that he may have retained excess per diem. In addition, these public statements indicate that he may have retained excess per diems on other trips.

If Representative Butterfield’s actual meal and incidental expenses during a CODEL were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8, House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Alcee Hastings

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Hastings (PDF 4.2MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Alcee L. Hastings.

Nature of Review

In 2008, Representative Alcee L. Hastings participated in a Congressional Delegation to Astana, Kazakhstan. During the trip, he received a travel per diem for meals and incidental expenses with an approximate value of $1,108.00. Public statements attributed to Representative Hastings indicated that he may have used the per diem for impermissible purposes. In addition, these public statements indicate that he may have used the per diem for impermissible purposes during other trips.

If Representative Hastings’ actual meal and incidental expenses during foreign travel were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8 and House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

December 31, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Engel

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Engel (PDF 3.6MB)

On July 30, 2010, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Eliot L. Engel.

Nature of Review

In 2009, Representative Eliot Engel participated in a Congressional Delegation to Mexico, Nicaragua, and Jamaica. During the trip, he received a travel per diem for meals and incidental expenses with an approximate value of $866.00. Public statements attributed to Representative Engel indicated that he may have retained excess per diem. In addition, these public statements indicate that he may have retained excess per diem on other trips.

If Representative Engel’s actual meal and incidental expenses during a CODEL were less than the per diem received and he did not return the excess per diem, he may have violated House Rule 10, clause 8, House Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On December 31, 2010, the Committee determined not to take further action regarding this matter and adopted the Committee staff recommendation to dismiss the matter and consider it closed.

November 16, 2010 - OCE Third Quarter 2010 Report

November 16, 2010 - OCE Third Quarter 2010 Report (PDF 76KB)


Above is a statistical summary of the OCE Board's actions in the third quarter of 2010. The OCE did not transmit two reviews in the third quarter because the subject of each review was a candidate in a primary election within 60 days of when the referral was scheduled.


Above is a summary of the matters the OCE has referred to the Standards Committee that have not yet but must be made public. It is the discretion of the Standards Committee to determine which release date they intend to utilize. The date of November 12, 2010 is based upon calendar days, while the date of November 17, 2010 is based upon legislative days.

August 2, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Waters

OCE Referral Regarding Rep Waters (PDF 1.7MB)

On August 6, 2009, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United State House of Representatives regarding Representative Maxine Waters.

Nature of Review

Representative Maxine Waters made a request in September 2008 to then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that Treasury Department officials meet with representatives from the National Bankers Association. A meeting was in fact granted shortly thereafter. However, at the meeting, and in the follow-up activity that occurred through Representative Waters' Congressional office, the discussion centered on a single bank--OneUnited. Representative Waters's husband had been a board member of OneUnited from 2004 to 2008 and, at the time of the meeting, was a stock holder of the bank. Representative Waters' conduct may have violated House Rule 23, clause 3 (by permitting compensation to accrue to her beneficial interest) and House precedent regarding conflicts of interest.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Action

On October 29, 2009, the Standards Committee established an Investigative Subcommittee regarding this matter.

On July 28, 2010, the Investigative Subcommittee transmitted a Statement of Alleged Violation to the Chair and Ranking of the Standards Committee. The Chair designated members of the Standards Committee to serve on an Adjudicatory Subcommittee. On August 2, 2010, the Standards Committee published OCE's referral.

On November 19, 2010, the Standards Committee recommited the matter to the Investigative Subcommittee.

On September 21, 2012, the Committee adopted a report determining that the evidence does not establish that Representative Waters violated House rules. The Committee also issued a letter of reproval to Representative Waters' Chief of Staff, Mikael Moore, for taking certain actions on behalf of OneUnited when he knew, or should have known, of Representative Waters' personal financial obligation

Last Updated Wednesday, October 31, 2012