Larson Statement on October Jobs Report

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s October employment report, which shows that the U.S. economy added 171,000 jobs in October - the 32nd straight month of private sector job growth.

“Today’s report shows employers are hiring more Americans than expected. This is encouraging news and marks the thirty second straight month of private sector job growth.

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The Do Nothing Congress: A Record of Extremism and Partisanship

For over 600 days, Republicans in Congress have kicked the can down the road on critical priorities – focusing instead on partisan politics.

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The House Stands Adjourned

The Republican Do Nothing Congress – rated among the least productive in history – has managed to outdo itself, refusing to hear debate on critical legislation for over a month. Over that period, the House has only met nine times for brief sessions lasting for just a few minutes.

In other words, they’ve met for less than an hour over the course of a full month. Not bad work if you can get it.

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Larson Statement on Passing of George McGovern

Hartford – Congressman John B. Larson released the following statement on the passing of former Senator George McGovern today:

"Our nation lost a champion of the American dream with the passing of Senator George McGovern.

"A true humanitarian, Senator McGovern worked tirelessly for the greater good, and will always be remembered for his efforts to end the war in Vietnam.

"His career is a testament to both peace and to the importance of the American middle class, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this difficult time."

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Larson Statement on September Jobs Report

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s September employment report, which shows that the U.S. economy added 114,000 jobs in September - the 31st straight month of private sector job growth - and saw unemployment fall to 7.8 percent:

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Kicking the Can Down the Road is No Way to Run a Government

In their Pledge to America at the start of this Congress, House Republicans declared that they would no longer “kick the can down the road.” Yet on issue after issue, that’s just what they’ve done – offering partisanship instead of progress.

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House Democrats: We Must Stay & Work

WASHINGTON – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn, Democratic Caucus Chairman John B. Larson, Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman Xaiver Becerra, Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen, and House Democrats held a press conference calling on House Republicans to cancel recess until the Republican controlled Congress fulfills their responsibilities to the American people.

You can watch the press conference and read the transcript below:

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House Democrats

     Democratic Caucus           U.S. House of Representatives