Senator Joe Lieberman
Press Kit

Press Kit

Welcome to the portion of our site designed specifically to assist members of the media. Senator Lieberman hopes it will help you get the information you need more efficiently.

Media Contact Information

If you are a member of the media, you can reach Senator Lieberman's Senate communications staff directly by calling 202-224-4041, by sending a fax to 202-224-4150, or by emailing press@lieberman.senate.gov.

You can also reach Senator Lieberman's communications staff on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee by calling 202-224-2627.

How to Request an Interview

If you are a member of the media and wish to request an interview with Senator Lieberman, please fax or email your request using the contact information above and a member of the communications staff will be in touch with you. Be sure to include name, media outlet, contact information, the nature of request, and deadline. You can also request an interview by using this form.

Printable Photos

Below is the standard headshot of Senator Lieberman for publication. If you would like a hard copy of these photos, please call the communications staff at 202-224-4041.

Senator Lieberman's Official Color Photo

Official Senate Portrait
To download this photo in color or black and white, right click on the link below and choose "save as."

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Issue Spotlight


Senators Introduce Revised Cybersecurity Legislation, S.3414

The five co-sponsors of bipartisan cybersecurity legislation introduced new, revised legislation July 19, 2012; to protect our national security, economic security, and life-sustaining services from increasingly commonplace cyber-attacks.

The co-sponsors - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del. – offered the revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 in a good faith effort to secure enough votes to address the immediate threat of attack from foreign nations, hacktivists, criminals, and terrorists against the nation’s most critical cyber systems. More information: here.