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Fox News: House Judiciary Committee Report Finds Administration's Lax Immigration Policies Are Deadly - video://ctSZGVG7lOQ Supreme Court HC Decision - Congressman Lamar Smith Reacts to Supreme Courts Decision on the Health Care Law video://ggVITZdTlSM Science Fair 5/31/12 - FY2013 Budget Proposal - Click to view "The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal" Attending Supreme Court arguments on Obamacare - Smith Receives “Policymaker of the Year” Award - Chairman Smith was named a “Policymaker of the Year” in Technology for his work on the America Invents Act (H.R. 1249), a bill that updates America’s patent system to encourage innovation, job creation and economic growth. Named “Policymaker of the Year” - POLITICO honored Rep. Smith for his work on patent reform. Meeting with Members of the Texas National Guard - Congressman Smith meets with Staff Sergeant Jason Colbert, Brigadier General William Smith and Major Jana Tobias from the 36th Infantry Division of the Texas National Guard. With Robert G. Cole High School Students - Speaking to students at Robert G. Cole High School at Fort Sam Houston. - Creating Jobs and the President's Plan - We know what will help create jobs in this country –lifting the burden of regulations that is strangling small businesses. Congressman Smith speaking at the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. - Congressman Smith speaking at the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. Congressman Smith walking in the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. - Congressman Smith walking in the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. Congressman Smith at the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. - Congressman Smith speaks with a constituent during the New Braunfels 4th of July parade. Meeting with constituents in my Washington office. - Meeting with constituents representing AIPAC in my Washington office. M-7 in San Antonio - During the April Constituent work week, I had the opportunity to speak with employees at the M-7 plant. Visiting with M-7 Employees - Visiting the M-7 plant in San Antonio, I got an up-close view! - Another picture at M-7 in San Antonio during the April Constitutent Work Period - Chairman Smith on Lou Dobbs FOX Business Network - Following up to President Obama's immigration speech on the border, Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith discusses immigration and security video://W0KYt2nvh9c Chairman Smith Talks Immigration and Border Security - On Fox News "Happening Now" Chairman Smith discusses the Administration's record ahead of President Obama's speech on immigration video://TfRWXXu2fD4 Herald-Zeitung - h-z graphic SAEN - San Antonio Express News image AAS - austin american statesman News Conference - I held a news conference with other Members of Congress on a bill I introduced, called the HEALTH Act. This legislation includes medical liability reforms that lower health care costs and reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits filed against medical personnel. James Madison Signature - This is President James Madison’s signature, the second line of writing in the top right corner. He is known as the “Father of the Constitution.” As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I wanted to have this to remind me every day of my responsibility to uphold the Constitution. James Madison - Here is President James Madison’s photograph. Spirit of Enterprise Award - Congressman Lamar Smith receives US Chamber "Spirit of Enterprise" Award Letter from President Reagan - This is a thank you letter from President Reagan regarding the first piece of legislation I passed as a new Member of Congress. This bill expands the size of the Big Bend National Park in West Texas. President Reagan gave me this note and included the pen he used. Meeting with Staff - I meet with staff members to go over my schedule for the day and remainder of the week. Heading home - At the end of the legislative work week, I try to return home to Texas every weekend. I was born and raised in San Antonio, and I still live there today. Working Late - After a full day of meetings, votes and hearings, I usually stay at the office into the evening. I typically leave after 10 pm. Speaking to student groups - When student groups from the 21st District come to Washington, DC, I enjoy the opportunity of visiting with them. In this photo, I am speaking to students from Cornerstone Christian Academy in San Antonio. Meeting with other Members - I also take time to discuss issues with other Members of the House. Here, I am talking with Members from the House Judiciary Committee, from right to left, Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Mel Watt (D-NC). Going to Vote - Throughout the work day, Members head to the House floor to vote on legislation. This is a picture of my entering the House Chamber to cast a vote. Members of the House cast about 1000 votes during a two-year session of Congress. Reading Constituent Mail - Here at the office, I am catching up on some constituent mail. I get about 500 constituent letters and emails a week. TV Interview - Sometimes I am invited to appear on news shows to offer my perspective on topics of the day or legislation before Congress. In this picture, Greta Van Susteren interviewed me for her nightly show on FOX News, “On the Record.” Flying with President Bush - In this photo, I am walking off my first flight on Air Force One with President George H.W. Bush and the First Lady, Barbara Bush. We traveled to San Antonio for the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. Chairing a Hearing - One of my responsibilities as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee is to conduct hearings. A committee hearing is usually held to gather information about a subject or to have witnesses comment on a piece of legislation. When Congress is in session, the Judiciary Committee meets regularly. Abraham Lincoln Signature - In the top right corner of the envelope is his signature, written Abraham Lincoln, MC, for Member of Congress. Both the signature and photo are especially meaningful to me as a current Member of Congress. Abraham Lincoln - This is a copy of the only known photo of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in Congress. Hook 'em Horns - On the wall of my office is a mounted set of horns from a Texas longhorn steer, which lived an astounding 25 years. They were a high school graduation gift from my parents. A few years ago, the horns gained even more significance when I started to represent the University of Texas, at Austin, the “Longhorns.” Leaving for Work - When I’m in DC, I try to get to the office around 7:30 am. Here I am leaving my basement apartment, which is about five blocks from the Capitol. American Energy - Our energy challenges affect both the country’s immediate economic health and our long-term security and competitiveness. During these difficult economic times, higher gasoline prices and utility bills have caused an additional burden on families already struggling to make ends meet. Speeking at CPAC - Presenting Media Lap Dog at CPAC - Signature Enews - HEALTH Press - thumbnail for video for health care press conference Swearing in 112th Congress - Congressman Lamar Smith is sworn into office for the 112th Congress, with Speaker John Boehner. casework footer - casework header - final facebook button - facebook button to use on web form final connect button - usable button for email format facebook - facebook button connect - connect photo EITC thumbnail - thumbnail for tax credit video Spending video cover - made and applied 9/24 Lame Duck Photo - made and applied 9/24 Economy message thumbnail - made and applied on 9/24 tax relief message - screen shot picture for tax relief message Small Business Forum in San Antonio - Discussing policy solutions Small Business Forum in San Antonio - Listening to small business owners talk about what policy makers need to do to encourage job growth America speaks out forum - Visiting with residents of Querencia at Barton Creek Senior Living Center Official Photo - Official Photo 2009 Protecting Texas Children - Congressman Smith works with federal, state and local efforts to protect our children from online predators Congressman Smith with Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce - Congressman Smith addresses the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce.Congressman Smith works with federal, state and local efforts to protect our children from online predators - Senior Chief Lauro A. Garza, Sr., 2009 Navy Times Sailor of the Year. Congressman Smith with Haley Gray - Congressman Smith welcomes Haley Gray, a junior at New Braunfels High School, to participate in the House Page Program. Smith sponsored Gray, who is one of 72 students selected from across the nation for the program. Small Business Workshop - Congressman Smith meets with San Antonio entrepreneurs at a small business workshop he hosted. Mary Shaddox Expresses Concern over Government as Health Provider - Audience members and Congressman Smith, left, laugh and applaud after Mary Shaddox, right, expresses her concern over the government taking on the role of becoming a health care provider, calling it a government run business. Congressman Smith Reacts to Audience - Congressman Smith reacts to seeing the audience erupt in applause as they raise their hand to "vote" against President Obama's proposed health care reform. Official Photo - Official Photo Lamar Smith Signature - signature