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All Items taged with: China

Dec 19, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner: Obama Leaves Copenhagen with Bad Deal for U.S.

Dec 18, 2009  Press release
In the News: Washington Examiner - Sensenbrenner: Don't be fooled in Copenhagen

Oct 06, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner: Without Global Participation, Climate Treaty Will ‘Flunk Good Deal Test’

Sep 24, 2009  Press release
In the News: National Review Online - Sensenbrenner: Not Time for Another Kyoto

Sep 24, 2009  Press release
In the News: The Wall Street Journal Washington Wire Blog - Rep. Sensenbrenner Scoffs at Hu’s U.N. Speech

Sep 22, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner Statement on China’s U.N. Climate Change Address

Sep 16, 2009  Letters to Admin
Questions for Special Envoy Stern: Sensenbrenner Seeks Answers Folllowing Special Envoy Stern's Testimony

Sep 10, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner: Unresolved Issues Raise Doubts on Copenhagen Climate Talks

Jul 29, 2009  Hearing
Climate for Innovation: Technology and Intellectual Property in Global Climate Solutions

Jul 22, 2009  Letters to Admin
Letter to Secretary Locke: Sensenbrenner Blasts Locke’s Statement Linking U.S. Buyers to China’s Carbon

Jul 22, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner Blasts Locke’s Statement Linking U.S. Buyers to China’s Carbon

Jun 26, 2009  Op-Ed
Politico: Bill will shift billions overseas

Jun 24, 2009  Op-Ed Protecting Energy and Technology Breakthroughs

Jun 03, 2009  Press release
Administration Needs Consistent Message on Climate Treaty Talks

Jun 02, 2009  Letters to Admin
Letter to Energy Secretary Chu: Consistent Message on Climate Treaty Talks

Jun 01, 2009  Letters to Admin
Letter to Secretary of State Clinton: Administration Needs Consistent Message on Climate Treaty Talks

May 29, 2009  Press release
Chinese Not Willing to Follow U.S. Lead on Climate Change Treaty

May 27, 2009  Press release
ICYMI: The Washington Times: A Demand for Freebies

Apr 03, 2009  Press release
Wall Street Journal: Technology Is the Answer to Climate Change

Mar 04, 2009  Press release
All Countries Must Contribute to Costs of Confronting Climate Change

Feb 25, 2009  Letters to Admin
Letter to Climate Change Advisor Browner: Sensenbrenner Offers to Brief the Administration on Talks

Feb 04, 2009  Hearing
Roadmap from Poznan to Copenhagen – Preconditions for Success

Feb 04, 2009  Press release
Sensenbrenner Statement on Poznan-Copenhagen Select Committee Hearing

Jan 15, 2009  Press release
Stimulus Bill Should Not Pick Winners and Losers

Sep 25, 2008  Hearing
The Future of LIHEAP Funding: Will Families Get the Cold Shoulder this Winter?

Jul 30, 2008  Hearing
What’s Cooking with Gas: the Role of Natural Gas in Energy Independence and Global Warming Solutions

Jun 25, 2008  Press release
Energy Security and Domestic Oil Production Should Be Top Priority

Jun 11, 2008  Hearing
The Future of Oil

Apr 02, 2008  Press release
Market Forces Driving Greenhouse Gas Reductions in Airlines

Feb 11, 2008  Press release
Cap-and-Trade Will Cost Jobs, Slow Economy, Produce Few Results

Dec 19, 2007  Press release
Bali Roadmap a Positive Step Towards a Global Treaty

Dec 19, 2007  Hearing
After Bali – the UN Conference and the Impact on International Climate Change Policy

Nov 14, 2007  Hearing
State Leadership Towards a Low-Carbon Energy Future

Sep 26, 2007  Press release
Climate Treaty Negotiations Need New Direction

Sep 06, 2007  Press release
Carbon Capture Technology Creates Many Possibilities

Jul 12, 2007  Hearing
Plugging into Energy Independence with 150 MPG Vehicles

Jun 13, 2007  Press release
Democrats Should Work With President to Develop Realistic Climate Change Policy

Jun 08, 2007  Hearing
Massachusetts v. U.S. EPA: Implications of the Supreme Court Verdict

Jun 04, 2007  Hearing
Global Warming Mountaintop ‘Summit’: Economic Impacts on New England

Jun 04, 2007  Press release
Local Climate Change Issues Emphasize Importance of Global Solutions

May 15, 2007  Press release
Sensenbrenner: Sweden Offers Lessons on Energy Independence

May 03, 2007  Hearing
Economic Impact of Global Warming: Part I - Insurance

Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming - Republicans
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