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Check here daily for news and updates about the Fifth District and my work for you in Congress.

  • 9/19/12

    September Update: Academy Day, Remembrance of Neil Armstrong, and More

    It’s been a busy month already this September! Just this past weekend, I was able to spend some time with students and business and community leaders throughout North Alabama.

    On September 16, my office hosted an 'Academy Day' event for high school students interested in receiving a U.S. Service Academy appointment. More than 300 people attended the event, a true testament to the patriotism and strong military presence in our district. The 5th Congressional District has a national Top 10 ranking in the number of applicants who are accepted into West Point, as well as sending highly qualified students to the other Service Academies. I’m certain this year’s bright group of candidates will continue that tradition.

    September 17 marked the 225th anniversary of the United States Constitution. I had the privilege of speaking with 7th grade government students at Athens Middle School, where I was encouraged to see so many youth interested in America’s foundational documents. It is important to continually reflect on our nation’s founding values, and Constitution Day was a special opportunity to share that heritage with the next generation of citizens.

    Rep. Brooks speaks to students at Athens Middle School on Constitution Day.

    Earlier this month, I addressed the U.S. House to commemorate the life and work of American Astronaut Neil Armstrong and his contributions to human exploration (video HERE). Armstrong’s walk on the moon helped define America, and changed world history, as we left earth behind and ventured into the mysteries of space. While we are deeply saddened by the passing of an astronaut and an American hero, Armstrong will always hold a special place in history and especially in the hearts of the many North Alabamians whose work at NASA created the Saturn V rocket that carried the Apollo 11 crew into space.

    In recent days, rising tension in the Middle East has been acutely felt here at home with the tragic murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, John Christopher Stevens, and three embassy staffers. In Egypt, our embassy walls were scaled and the American flag ripped apart; similar demonstrations were held throughout the Middle East. In my view, America must stop spending our treasury and risking American lives for those who neither appreciate our sacrifices, nor believe in basic liberties like freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Further, America should minimize or eliminate its role in Civil Wars that alienate combatants and later become fertile recruiting grounds for anti-American combatants.

    Many of the small-business owners and job creators in our district are already doing their part to support free enterprise and ensure American exceptionalism does continue. This week, I was presented with awards from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and the National Tax Limitation Committee, for my stance on key small business and fiscal issues. I’m looking forward to discussing these and other important policies with my colleagues as we continue our work in Washington.

  • 8/22/12

    District Happenings

    It's been a busy August at home in Alabama! Throughout the month, I've attended many tours of local businesses and organizations, as well as hosted two town halls. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to talk to community leaders and employees about issues influencing both them and our district. The Tennessee Valley area is blessed to have leaders who are passionate about our district, and are constantly looking for ways to ensure North Alabama's economic and political success.

    On that note, I was proud to host Congressman Mike Turner (R-OH) as he participated in the Space and Missile Defense Conference (SMDC), North Alabama's largest defense symposium. The Conference was an excellent showcase of the wonderful projects and initiatives that the 5th District is accomplishing, and I look forward to our continued success. Below is a photo journal of just a few happenings within the 5th District this month. Click here to see more photos.

    Touring booths with Rep. Turner (R-OH) during the SMDC Conference on the 15th.
    Speaking to employees during the Alacare Town Hall on the 7th.
    Participating in the Athens State commencement ceremony on the 18th.
  • 7/20/12

    Amendment Protecting U.S. Missile Intelligence Passes in Defense Appropriations Bill

    Yesterday, the House passed the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, which includes my amendment to ensure no funds can be used by the White House to share classified missile defense information with Russia. Classified military secrets should stay in the U.S., not be used by the White House as a pawn in a political chess game of appeasement with the Russians. With President Obama recently stating he wanted, “more space,” from the Russians in regards to missile defense, and his statement that he would, “have more flexibility,” on this issue after the elections, I am concerned critical national security information could be in jeopardy.
    As a fellow member of the House Armed Services Committee and supporter of my amendment, Congressman Mike Turner (OH-3) has also been outspoken in the effort of helping to keep U.S. secrets safe.
    “President Obama refuses to tell the Congress what deals he has been offering Russia. Missile defense is too important to the United States for our most advanced technology to be shared with Russia in furtherance of the failed ‘reset’ policy,” said Turner.
    The Congressional Research Service estimates the United States has spent approximately $153 billion dollars on missile defense. A vast majority, roughly 90 percent, was spent on hit-to-kill technology. It makes no sense to spend $153 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money on advanced weaponry, just to give it away.
    Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Chairman, Rep. C.W. Bill Young (FL-10), said, “This actually may be the most critical amendment that we will consider on this bill today. There should be no secret deals on our missile defense with the Russian president or any other person involving the security of our own nation.”
    I’m pleased to have the support of Rep. Turner and Chairman Young, and will continue to do whatever I can to strengthen the security of our defense intelligence.
  • 7/7/12

    Local Veteran Presented with Purple Heart

    Mr. Benjamin Frank Berry, Jr. of Huntsville earned his Purple Heart 68 years ago this week, for injuries sustained while defending our freedom in World War II. On Friday, I was honored to present Mr. Berry with a replacement Purple Heart and thank him for his exemplary service to our great nation. Thank you Mr. Berry for your dedication and courage while defending our freedom.

    Biography of Mr. Berry:

    Mr. Benjamin Frank Berry, Jr. was born on September 15, 1922 in Charlotte, Tennessee. Mr. Berry entered military service through the United States Army in October 17, 1942. During his military service, then Private Berry was assigned to Field Artillery, Battery "B", 151st Field Artillery Battalion. On July 2, 1944, while fighting in Italy during World War II, Private Berry was injured in the line of duty. Having obtained the rank of Corporal, Mr. Berry was honorably discharged from the United States Army on November 8, 1945. He currently resides in Huntsville, AL.

  • 6/28/12

    Response to the Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision

    Today, by one vote, the United States Supreme Court expanded federal power beyond anything previously permissible. In effect, one Supreme Court justice’s vote empowers the federal government to dictate that American citizens purchase any product or service offered by anyone, no matter the cost, no matter the burden. 
    America’s Founding Fathers fought a rebellion for individual liberty. Today’s Supreme Court decision is a heavy boot on the throat of that liberty. 
    The Supreme Court’s decision is an affront to America’s Constitution, which was written to limit the federal government’s power over American citizens so that Americans could enjoy their hard-fought liberty. America’s Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
    Fortunately, four Supreme Court justices understand the Constitution, considered the intent of our Founding Fathers who drafted the Constitution, and got it right. Unfortunately, five Supreme Court justices got it wrong and undermined a Constitution that has served America so well for so long.
    In fairness to the Supreme Court, however, the Obamacare problem originated within a radical White House and Congress elected in 2008. 
    Just as America is paying a severe economic and freedom price for its mistakes in the 2008 elections, American citizens can reverse their mistake by electing a President and Congress who understand and respect the Constitution.
  • 5/7/12

    6th Annual Hold Their Feet to the Fire Radio Row

    Tomorrow, I’ll be a part of the 6th Annual Hold Their Feet to the Fire radio row. Organized by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), this event serves as a means of bringing talk radio hosts and political minds together to discuss illegal immigration. As a strong proponent of immigration enforcement, I’ll be meeting with radio hosts from across the southeast, to express my thoughts on the issue. I hope you will listen. You can find my interview schedule below to know when and where to tune in.
    6:05-6:30 AM – Dale Jackson – WVNN 92.5 FM/770 AM
    6:35-7:00 AM – Matt Murphy – WAPI 100.5 FM/1070 AM
    7:05-7:30 AM – Steve Gill – WLAC 1510 AM
    3:30-3:45 PM – Mark Skoda – WMPS 87.7 FM

    *And Others*

  • 4/18/12

    Army Aviation Caucus Off and Flying

    As of this week, the House Army Aviation Caucus has more than 40 Members! Army Aviation has been at the forefront in the Global War on Terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, but lacked a unified voice on the Hill. That's why I founded the Caucus last year with the goal of bringing together Representatives and members of the military to affect public policy.


    Just last week, I spoke at the Army Aviation Association of America's Symposium in Nashville about the accomplishments and opportunities of Army Aviation. I was grateful for the opportunity to talk directly to some of the talented aviators who serve our country, and the folks, both military and civilian, who support them.

    To learn more about the work of the Army Aviation Caucus, click HERE

  • 3/21/12

    Congressional Art Competition

    Thanks to all the students who participated in this year’s Congressional Art Competition. Each spring, a nation-wide high school arts competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. This competition provides a great opportunity to recognize and encourage artistic talent in our district. There were so many gifted young artists, it was a difficult decision for the selection committee who had to determine the winning artwork, which will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for the next year. Congratulations to our overall winner, Austin Hammock of Hazel Green High, and to all of our Honorable Mentions!

    Students, from left to right:
    Amanda Sturgis, Honorable Mention
    Drawing:  Afraid of the Dark?, charcoal
    Grissom High School, 12th grade
    Art Teacher:  Kimberly Huffstetler
    Samantha Taylor, Honorable Mention
    Painting:  Amanda, oil pastel on plywood
    Grissom High School, 12th grade
    Art Teacher:  Kimberly Huffstetler
    Meghann Kennedy, Honorable Mention
    Computer Generated Art:  Painting Inspiration Three
    Sparkman High School, 12th grade
    Art Teacher:  Eric Mittman
    Austin Hammock, Winner
    Self-Portrait,  charcoal
    Hazel Green High School, 11th grade
    Art Teacher:  Melanie Morrison
    Kelly Lai, Honorable Mention
    Prints:  New Yorker, dry point engraving
    Pope John Paul II Catholic High School, 12th grade
    Art Teacher:  Barbara Laughbaum
    Samantha Fortenberry, Honorable Mention
    Photography:  Bridge Over Troubled Waters, silver gelatin print
    Scottsboro High School, 12th grade
    Art Teacher:  Angel Chaney
  • 2/27/12

    Hartselle High School Meeting

    Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with teacher Keith Wright’s Advanced Placement history students at Hartselle High. I was able to talk a little about the responsibilities of my role in DC, but also had the opportunity to answer insightful questions provided by class members.

    It wasn’t surprising America’seconomy was a popular topic of conversation for the students, and I appreciated their interest in discussing ways we can decrease our debt for their future wellbeing and security.  Defense, which is directly impacted by our national debt, and immigration were also subjects we discussed. I was encouraged by their active interest in our nation’s future and appreciated the chance to hear their opinions. I hope these students were able to take away useful information from the meeting and will continue to be active participants in our governmental process.

                      (Photo Credit: Brent Maze/Hartselle Enquirer)
  • 1/17/12

    Decatur Fire Department Tour

    Earlier this month I had the privilege of touring one of the Decatur Fire Department’s newest stations. I was able to meet with the firefighters in this great facility and listen as they demonstrated the capabilities of various pieces of equipment. It is important our district and residents are well taken care of, and Chief Charles Johnson has done an excellent job making sure these firefighters have the resources necessary to accomplish this.