Press Releases

October 10, 2012
Today's decision by the President to impose tough tariffs on Chinese solar imports is just the latest step by the Obama Administration to get tough on foreign companies who don't play by the rules. I applaud his move, which will help American manufacturers compete here at home and overseas.
October 5, 2012
"Today’s jobs report confirms that America’s economy is moving forward.  With 104,000 private sector jobs added in September and our unemployment rate dropping below 8% for the first time in almost four years, more Americans are heading back to work for the thirty-first consecutive month as our recovery continues. After losing over 4 million jobs in the final year of the previous administration alone, our economy has turned a corner, adding nearly 2 million jobs over just the last 12 months.
October 2, 2012
“Today's ruling in Pennsylvania affirms what Democrats have contended all along:  that new, Republican-sponsored voter identification laws are an attempt to suppress the votes of eligible Americans. In a democracy, that’s not what we ought to do. We ought to encourage and facilitate every vote.
October 2, 2012
“Thank you Madam Leader.  We met today and as so often been the case, the Speaker representing the Republican party walked away. He walked away when we asked for unanimous consent to proceed on some important business, or at least to talk about it.
October 2, 2012
“I thank the Leader for yielding and I want to simply say that once again we have this morning a demonstration of Republicans walking out on the American people – not on us.
October 1, 2012
“Today’s manufacturing report from the Institute for Supply Management reveals that manufacturing continues to be a bright spot during our economic recovery, expanding in 35 of the last 38 months and adding jobs for 36 consecutive months.  But the recent contraction in the sector makes clear that  Congress must take action to help our businesses compete and reduce economic uncertainty so we can ensure this positive outlook continues for our nation’s manufacturers. Congress cannot afford to wait to consider a comprehensive jobs plan, like House Democrats’ Make It In America plan, that invests in and supports this manufacturing growth.
September 25, 2012
“For two years, House Democrats have put forward our Make It In America plan to create jobs by strengthening American manufacturing and making investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure that will help our businesses compete and succeed.  Today’s announcement by the Departments of Commerce and Labor of the new ‘Make it in America Challenge’ is exactly the type of investment House Democrats have called for.  Many American businesses want to keep jobs here at home while staying competitive in the global economy.  The $40 million in competitive grants made available by the ‘Make It In America Challenge’ will help increase the trend of insourcing - U.S. companies bringing back jobs and investing here in the U.S. These grants will also assist businesses looking to expand and train American workers for jobs on our shores.  
September 24, 2012
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer today sent a letter to the House Democratic Caucus urging Democratic Members to highlight the past 20 months of the Republican Majority’s record of missed opportunities and obstruction in addressing the nation’s central challenges.
September 21, 2012
"What we are seeing this week is a convulsing end to a dismal Congress. Two distinguished political scientists [Tom Mann and Norman Ornstein] in our country said this: 'The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.'
September 21, 2012
“This bill is just another example of Republicans’ agenda of distraction from issues that matter to Americans.  Their partisan legislation would have terrible effects on the air our children breathe and the water they drink, and it won’t help us meet the challenge of creating jobs for our middle class or provide us with greater energy security.  Moreover, the House of Representatives has already voted on every title of this bill and sent legislation to the Senate that comprises its core provisions.  There is no reason why we should be spending our time voting on these issues again.
September 20, 2012
“This legislation exemplifies this Do-Nothing Republican Congress.  Once again, Republicans are choosing to focus on a political messaging bill over serious issues like jobs, middle-class tax cuts, or a farm bill.  Instead, the House is wasting time on a Republican bill that misrepresents the facts in an attempt to score political points.
September 19, 2012
“I join in marking the one-year anniversary of the end of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ and the beginning of a new era of strength through inclusion for our military.  I was proud to help lead the successful repeal effort that finally ended that discriminatory policy.  Doing so opened doors for LGBT Americans wishing to join our armed forces and ended the fearful prospect of discharge for those who were already serving.
September 19, 2012
“The resolution passed by the House today honors the memory of the Americans who died in last week’s attack in Benghazi and reaffirms our bipartisan commitment to the dedicated civilians who serve America overseas.  It also demonstrates our continued support for Libya’s ongoing democratic transition.
September 19, 2012
“I was incredibly proud to witness today’s presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal – our nation’s highest civilian honor – to Burmese human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.  For a quarter century, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has served as a guiding light for those who yearn for democracy in Burma, and indeed for all who espouse the principles of human rights and non-violence around the world.  In the face of enduring hardships, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has demonstrated a strength of character and perseverance that is helping to inspire a new period of hope for greater political freedom in Burma.”
September 17, 2012
“Today’s action is yet another step taken by the Obama Administration to hold China accountable for their unfair and illegal trade practices. When competing on a level playing field, American workers, businesses, and manufacturers can out-compete anyone. But by providing illegal export subsidies to their auto and auto-parts industries, China is tilting the playing field in their favor and putting other nations, including the U.S., at a distinct disadvantage.
September 17, 2012
"I am very proud to join in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. In every area of our national life – in science, in sports, in politics, and of course in entertainment, the Hispanic community has had a positive impact, and one from which all of us benefit.
September 14, 2012
“Today’s report demonstrates exactly why we need to replace the sequester by passing a big and balanced deficit reduction plan this year.  If the sequester were to take effect in January, the consequences would be devastating to our economy and to our national security.
September 14, 2012
“Tomorrow we celebrate the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, an opportunity to acknowledge the countless contributions Latinos have made to our nation. During this time, I join in recognizing how the Hispanic community has shaped and improved our nation – through science, sports, politics, entertainment, business, and many other fields.  The roots of the Hispanic community in our country run as deep as its history, and Latinos have played a central role in helping our nation succeed and grow.  We are especially thankful for the service and sacrifices of Latino service-members on the front lines in Afghanistan, as well as those who have served in prior conflicts throughout our nation’s history.  During Hispanic Heritage Month, we look back on the community’s achievements while also celebrating their continued role strengthening America.
September 14, 2012
“Sunday evening, across America and throughout the world, Jewish families will usher in a new year – one that I hope is filled with the blessings of peace and happiness for all.  Rosh Hashanah offers an opportunity to remember the important contributions made to our country by its Jewish community, which has enhanced America in the fields of science, politics, law, entertainment, athletics, and a host of others since the days even before our nation’s independence.   
September 13, 2012
“We are reminded of the danger that our men and women, who are sent abroad to represent the United States of America, to promote democracy and freedom around the world, we know the danger to which they are exposed. The tragic death of Ambassador [Christopher] Stevens, [State Department official] Sean Smith and others in Libya point out how dangerous the daily lives are in these areas of the world. We express our deep sympathy. But I'm sure that every embassy in the world has been put on high alert, particularly in areas where we know there are violent proclivities but also around the world, to make sure our embassy personnel are on guard, Americans are on guard and we keep our people safe.”
September 12, 2012
"Today's announcement by the Census Bureau that our poverty rate fell for the first time in three years is welcome news, as is the fact that 1.3 million more Americans have health insurance coverage, a sign that the Affordable Care Act is working. 
September 12, 2012
"I was deeply saddened to learn this morning of the news from Libya of the tragic death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two other American personnel in an attack in Benghazi. Their families are in my prayers today. Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith were distinguished career diplomats who embodied the best of our Foreign Service and were instrumental in helping Libya’s democratic transition.
September 11, 2012
“Hopefully [a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff] will come together before the end of the year. I've been working on that. Others have been working on that. Contrary to what I heard Mr. Cantor say, the President of the United States in the 32 years I've been in Congress, has spent more time working with Republicans and frankly with Democrats in the White House around his conference table to try to get to an agreement. The Republicans walked away from the Bowles-Simpson plan. They walked away from the [Vice President] Joe Biden talks. Mr. Cantor himself walked away from those. And they walked away from the [Speaker John] Boehner- [President Barack] Obama agreement. So I'm hopeful that we will come to agreement. I think Moody's is correct - if we don't, we will undermine confidence and undermine credibility of the United States. We need to come to agreement. We need to sit down together and reason together and adopt a balanced plan. That's the trick.”
September 11, 2012
“On this solemn anniversary, we must never forget those who lost their lives in the most heinous terrorist attack in our country’s history. To the families of those who were killed on that tragic day in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, we will always remember the victims and recount the stories of heroism that will be their legacy. To those who have served in our Armed Forces since 9/11, we remain grateful for their sacrifices. To all who have worked as first responders and kept our communities safe here at home, we offer our thanks for their steadfastness. 
September 11, 2012
“Once again, we are seeing evidence of how the Affordable Care Act is benefiting Americans by lowering the costs of care and putting patients first. Today's report that the health reform law enacted by Democrats last Congress has saved consumers $2.1 billion through its rate review provisions and the medical loss ratio affirms that reform is working.