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Export-Import Bank

“The Export-Import Bank fills a crucial role in our economy by making it possible for American companies to sell their goods abroad.  It has long had bipartisan support and it costs taxpayers nothing. There is no reason we shouldn’t be able to come together to reauthorize the bank and increase its lending authority so that it can continue its mission and help our small businesses grow.” - Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Click on the green buttons to see which New Hampshire businesses have been able to increase their exports through the assistance of the Export-Import Bank, which will shut down on May 31 if Congress does not pass a reauthorization.  

The Export-Import Bank, which provides direct loans and loan guarantees to foreign buyers of U.S. made goods, has directly supported $255 million in export sales from New Hampshire over the last five years. Many other businesses, such as New Hampshire Ball Bearings say the bank is important to their business because they sell to companies who rely on its services.

Shaheen cosponsored a bipartisan measure in the Senate to reauthorize the bank for four years.

Reauthorization is supported by hundreds of U.S. companies, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the Business Roundtable. It has enjoyed broad bipartisan support in past reauthorizations, passing without objection in both the House and Senate in 2006.


