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  • Rep. Kelly on the Latest Developments in the Benghazi Terrorist Attack Investigation
    Nov 5, 2012  - Rep. Kelly discusses the latest information in the investigation into the Libya terrorist attack. Online: Fox News via... More
  • Chairman Jordan Writes Letter to U.N. Security Council Regarding Palestinian Rockets Being Fired Into Israel
    Nov 2, 2012  - Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-04) sent a letter to the U.N. Security Council expressing concerns about Palestinian rockets being fired into Israel while the U.N. Security Council chooses to remain silent rather than condemn these attacks in the strongest terms... More
  • Rep. Griffin with Mark D. Wallace Op-ed: The US Can Do More to Pressure Auto Companies to Sever Ties with Iran
    Nov 1, 2012  - Choosing a new car is rarely an easy decision: a buyer must consider all sorts of factors, including cost, safety, color, and gas mileage. Unfortunately, there’s another factor consumers should consider when buying a car today: whether the maker has business relationships with the Iranian regime.... More
  • Reps. Cantor, Bachus, & Chairman Jordan Concerned by Risk Exposure and Risk Management at the Export-Import Bank
    Oct 25, 2012  - Disappointed that the Export-Import Bank's statutorily required Business Plan "does not adequately address Congressional concerns regarding the Bank's operations and exposure to risk," Reps. Eric Cantor, Spencer Bachus, & Jim Jordan wrote to Ex-Im Chairman Fred Hochberg asking him to clarify a... More
  • Chairman Jordan Writes Letter to Secretary Clinton Expressing Concern at the Recently Selected U.S. Delegate to OSCE
    Oct 25, 2012  - Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-04) sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressing concerns about the “inflammatory” and anti-Israel record of an individual chosen to represent the United States at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe... More
  • Rep. Scott Calls on DOD to Reclassify Ft. Hood Attack as Terrorism
    Oct 24, 2012  - Rep. Tim Scott called on the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to reclassify the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood, TX as an act of terrorism. Rep. Scott issued the following statement: "With all due respect to those at DOD, it is clear that the attack on Fort Hood was a terrorist attack. To classify this... More
  • Rep. Graves Op-ed: Obama's Record of Overreach
    Oct 23, 2012  - The Obama administration’s relentless government expansion has become a disturbing pattern. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) report today (October 23) is a devastating list of the president’s failures and misplaced policies. The common thread is the drastic expansion of government’s role,... More
  • Rep. Cantor Releases Report On The Imperial Presidency
    Oct 23, 2012  - The Office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released a report, The Imperial Presidency, to make clear that the result of President Obama's disregard for the legislative process has been a breakdown in the rule of law which has reduced economic growth and individual prosperity. Majority Leader... More
  • Rep. Hurt Op-ed: We Must Restore the American Dream
    Oct 19, 2012  - Dating back to the founding of our nation, Virginians and Americans have set forth the principle that this country was founded of the people, by the people, for the people. And as history shows, we have long been a nation dependent on its people and not its federal government for our success. But... More
  • Rep. King Op-ed: Kill Death Tax Choking the American Dream
    Oct 17, 2012  - As we near the end of 2012, the focus of the political world likely will be on the massive income and business tax increases scheduled to go into effect after midnight Dec. 31. Pundits and talking heads will be debating whether the current tax rates should be extended for small businesses and... More