Bob Corker, U.S. Senator for Tennessee

Improving Education In America

“Our economic future and ability to compete in the world marketplace depends on having a highly educated and trained workforce. Increasing college access and affordability is a critical part of that necessity and helps ensure that our young people are prepared for the jobs of the 21st century.”  - Senator Bob Corker

Senator Bob Corker is a strong advocate for ensuring all children have access to quality education and are given the opportunity to succeed. He believes that the key to our future depends on highly educated students prepared for the 21st century and that well trained, highly performing teachers help reach that goal.

Increased Teacher Pay: As mayor of Chattanooga, Corker teamed with local school officials and community leaders to bring the region's best teachers to the city’s lowest performing schools by offering bonus pay. In addition, he engaged private foundations in providing those teachers with free graduate school tuition and forgiveness on home loans. Within a year, the previously at-risk schools were outpacing all other county schools in gains on achievement test scores, and regional teachers were working on a more level playing field. Next to a loving, supportive family, Senator Corker knows that having great teachers is the most important factor in a child’s education.

Advancing Math and Science Education: Senator Corker voted for legislation that provides up to $43 billion for basic scientific research, doubling what is currently spent. It creates thousands of new opportunities for math and science students, teachers and researchers.

Reduced Student Loan Interest Rates: Senator Corker supported a broad bi-partisan initiative to help reform the higher education system in America. This measure expanded the Pell Grant program, which helps over 100,000 Tennessee students afford college, enjoy reduced interests rates on loans, and it created a new grant program that provides $4,000 per year in tuition assistance for certain students going into teaching.

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