Statement: House Republicans once again put 20th century fossil fuels over 21st century public health

Sep 21, 2012 Issues: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Water

Washington, D.C.—House Republicans again assaulted the health and safety of Americans today by attempting to gut laws that protect us from polluted air and water and that prevent mining companies from devastating communities through the practice of mountain top removal.  This latest attempt is comprised of five anti-environment bills—four of which had previously been passed by the House but have gone nowhere in the Senate—and would be vetoed by the President. 

In response, the 52 members of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) released the following statement:

“Republicans don’t seem to believe that we can protect ourselves from poisoned air and water while also affordably fueling our cars and heating and cooling our homes, but the American people know better. Americans know that innovation and technology can drive us to a cleaner, more affordable energy future. Rather than repeatedly passing bills that take us back to a dirty 1950s energy policy, House Republicans should be working with Democrats to address job creation, and middle class tax cuts to get our economy moving again. With this bill, the House GOP has made it official—this has been one the most anti-environmental Congressional sessions in history.”
