SEEC Expands to 52 Members

Sep 17, 2012 Issues: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Water

WASHINGTON, D.C—The House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) welcomes its newest member, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II of Missouri’s 5th Congressional District.

In joining SEEC, Rep. Cleaver (D-MO) said: “I am honored to become a member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition. Sustainable energy is of the utmost importance to me. In fact, as I worked to develop the Green Impact Zone - a 150-square block area in Missouri’s Fifth District designated for revitalization - energy efficiency and sustainability were foundational elements.”

“Since coming to Congress, Congressman Cleaver has demonstrated a deep passion for environmental protection and worked tirelessly to secure a clean and sustainable energy future,” said SEEC Executive Director Kara Allen.  “We are grateful to add his voice to our efforts.”  

With the addition of Congressman Cleaver, SEEC brings its total membership to 52 House members. 
