Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

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Contact: Nathan White (202)225-5871
Repeating their Efforts, State Department Hopes for New Results from Syrian Opposition Groups

Washington, Nov 2 -

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement responding to news reports that the State Department is organizing a new conference in Qatar to organize scattered Syrian opposition groups into a single entity. Previous efforts resulted in the Syrian National Council, comprised most of Syrian exiles, which was rejected by Syrian opposition groups in Syria.

“The Administration is now casting about for a new opposition in Syria to replace the old opposition of regional extremists which they blindly backed and encouraged, fueling a widening civil war. What makes Washington think it can now control the extraordinary forces of violence which are now plaguing Syria?  

“The public announcement by the Secretary of State undercutting the Syrian National Council will cause members of members of Syrian diaspora to feel betrayed, making resolution of the Syrian civil war ever more difficult. It underscores the utter futility of U.S. involvement in attempting to pick and choose who will lead Syria if and when the Assad government decides to participate in a transition.

“The United States should stop its blind intervention in Syria which furthers the process of war and instead work to develop a process of peace to bring about a stable, inclusive, safe and secure Syria,” said Kucinich.


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