OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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What's New in OSERS

blue flag bullet Yudin Named as OSERS Acting Assistant Secretary

On Friday, August 10, Alexa Posny stepped down from her position as Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). Michael Yudin, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, has been named the Acting Assistant Secretary for OSERS. Yudin is no stranger to the disability community. Both as an advisor on the Hill, including work as the principal advisor on IDEA reauthorization in 2004, and before that as a Director of Employment for two leading national disability organizations, Yudin has been a knowledgeable and tireless advocate for individuals with disabilities.

See Yudin's bio here.


blue flag bullet U.S. Department of Education Issues Resource Document that Discourages Restraint and Seclusion

The U.S. Department of Education issued a publication, Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document, that outlines principles for educators, parents and other stakeholders to consider when developing or refining policies and procedures to support positive behavioral interventions and avoid the use of restraint and seclusion. The goal of this resource document is to help ensure that schools are safe and healthy environments where all students can learn, develop and participate in instructional programs that promote high levels of academic achievement.

Press Release | download files Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document (PDF, 4.8MB)

(May 15, 2012)


blue flag bullet IDEA Results-Driven Accountability (RDA)

OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has taken new steps to help close the achievement gap for students with disabilities by moving away from a one-size-fits-all, compliance-focused approach to a more balanced system that looks at how well students are being educated in addition to continued efforts to protect their rights.

  • For additional RDA information and resources, go to OSEP's RDA page.

We are interested in engaging stakeholders and hearing your ideas for reframing our accountability system to more effectively focus on improving educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities. There will be one question posted for comments at the beginning of a two-week period until fall 2012. At the conclusion of a two-week period, no further comments will be accepted for that question. Previous questions and comments will be visible but no additional comments will be accepted for previous questions. 

(May 2, 2012)


blue flag bullet Duncan & Posny Join CEC for Twitter Town Hall

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), Alexa Posny, joined the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) yesterday for a Twitter town hall to address topics ranging from Idividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding, social inclusion and ensuring that all students have accessible technology.

Check out all the questions and answers below, or at Storify.com/usedgov.

(April 13, 2012)


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Last Modified: 08/16/2012