U N I T E D   S T A T E S   A I R   F O R C E


Retired Aug. 1, 1965.  

Joseph Theodore Kingsley Jr., was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1916. He later moved to Washington, D. C., and graduated from Western High School in 1934. In the fall of that year, he entered Millard Preparatory School. In 1935 he received a congressional appointment to the U.S. Military Academy, graduating in 1939. Second Lieutenant Kingsley's first assignment was that of student officer at the primary training school, Love Field, Dallas, Texas. In December 1939 he moved to Randolph Field, Texas, for basic training and graduated in June 1940 at Kelly Field as a pilot. Lieutenant Kingsley's next assignment was at Langley Field, Va., where he was assigned to the 41st Reconnaissance Squadron. It was here that he first became associated with General Curtis LeMay, who was then a captain and the operations officer of the squadron.

In June 1941 he was ordered to the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to attend the fourth special course of instruction. Upon graduation, he returned to Langley Field and was assigned to the 49th Bombardment Squadron, commanded by Major A.V.P. Anderson.

At the outbreak of World War II, Lieutenant Kingsley was enroute in his B-17 for duty in Newfoundland. The squadron was diverted to Spokane, Wash., and put on immediate antisubmarine patrol in the Pacific. He was then ordered to Mitchel Field for duty with the newly formed Antisubmarine Command at 90 Church Street, New York City.

In March 1942 he was promoted to captain and in August of the same year to the grade of major. In December, he was transferred to Charleston, S.C., to command the 16th Antisubmarine Squadron, patrolling the coastal area in B-25 type aircraft. In September 1943, he was assigned as Director of Personnel & Training, Mobile Air Service Command, Brookley Field, Ala. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel in November of that year. While in this capacity, Lieutenant Colonel Kingsley was given the responsibility to train and equip six floating air depot units. In August l944, he was given command of the 1st Aircraft Repair Unit (Floating) and departed for the Pacific in October. This was a novel command for an Air Force officer in that he was in command of a liberty ship manned by Merchant Marines, guarded by a Navy gun crew, and staffed with 325 Air Corps enlisted men of highly technical skills. The mission of this unit was to do depot level repair for the B-29s operating out of Guam and Tinian. The ship was equipped with a 40 by 70 foot flight deck for use by two helicopters. These were the first helicopters used in the Pacific during the war.

In May 1945 he was promoted to full colonel and, along with his unit, was transferred to Okinawa. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his efforts with this unit. Upon the cessation of hostilities, he was assigned to the 8th Air Force (later designated the First Air Division), eventually becoming the deputy chief of staff, materiel.

He returned to the United States in November 1946 and was assigned to the War Department General Staff as chief programmer of the Research and Development Division. In 1948 he was assigned to the Munitions Board as secretary of the Aircraft Committee under Major General Patrick Timberlake. In August 1950 he attended the Armed Forces Staff College at Norfolk, Va., graduating in February 1951.

He was then assigned as the A-4 of the Air Section of the MAAG at Ankara, Turkey. He returned to the United States in May 1953 and was assigned to the Air Materiel Command as deputy chief of the MDAP Office. In April 1954 he was assigned as executive to the commander, Headquarters AMC.

In August 1955 he was ordered to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, graduating in June 1956.

He was then ordered to Headquarters AMC to become the first chief of staff of the Air Materiel Command.

In February 1958 he attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University, graduating In May of that year. In November of 1958 he was promoted to brigadier general.

In January 1960 he was assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for duty as deputy director for legislative liaison. In August 1961 he was reassigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force for duty as assistant for mutual security under the deputy chief of staff, systems and logistics. In this capacity, he was responsible for the Air Force portion of the Military Assistance Program worldwide, and also served as the U.S. Air Force member on the Inter-American Defense Board, the Joint Brazil U.S. Defense Commission, and the Joint Mexican - U. S. Defense Commission.

In July 1963 he was reassigned to the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the special assistant to the director, Joint Staff, for Military Assistance Affairs. As the special assistant for military assistance affairs he is charged with the preparation of plans, policies, implementing directives and reports for the Joint Chiefs of Staff on matters pertaining to the Military Assistance Program worldwide.

(Current as of November 1964)