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Readout of Secretary Chu’s Visit to New York and New Jersey

November 5, 2012 - 5:54pm


LONG ISLAND, N.Y.— Secretary of Energy Steven Chu today traveled to New York and New Jersey, where he met with state and local leaders and industry officials to discuss ongoing response and recovery efforts to Hurricane Sandy. Secretary Chu reiterated the ongoing support of the Department of Energy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the rest of the federal family as local communities continue to respond to and recover from the storm. Photos from the trip are available HERE.

“The President has made clear that our top priority continues to be making sure we are supporting local efforts to get the power back on, restore critical fuel supplies and direct resources where they are needed, as fast as possible,” said Secretary Chu. 

In Hoboken, NJ, Secretary Chu visited two electrical power substations, where he met with local leaders and industry officials to discuss efforts to restore power to homes and communities throughout the region. While there, he met with utility crews from Dayton, OH, who had come to Hoboken to assist in recovery efforts.  Secretary Chu also traveled to Staten Island to meet with Borough Officials to discuss energy restoration efforts there. 

Finally, Secretary Chu visited Long Island, N.Y., where he visited the Global Group Terminal in Inwood to discuss the ongoing effort to support local officials as they address fuel supply challenges. 

Yesterday, the Energy Department announced the establishment of a team to assist local authorities in their efforts to get help get gas stations back online. This new effort includes a new toll-free number that gas station owners and managers along the East Coast can now call if they need assistance from state and local officials in restoring power or securing supplies of gasoline following Hurricane Sandy. Station owners or operators can now call the Department’s toll free hotline at 1-866-402-3775 to report their condition.  As information is collected through the toll free hotline, it will be shared with FEMA’s Energy Restoration Task Force for assistance coordination with local and state authorities so that they can direct response resources like generators and fuel to those affected gas stations.

For more information on the Department's efforts to support the response and recovery efforts visit
