U N I T E D   S T A T E S   A I R   F O R C E


Retired March 1, 1973.   Died Feb. 6, 1988.

Major General Pete C. Sianis is assigned as deputy chief of staff for operations, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb.

General Sianis was born in 1920, in Kansas City, Mo., where he graduated from Central High School in 1937. He entered active military service in November 1940 and went to Lakeland Field, Fla., where he entered flying school and graduated at Kelly Field, Texas, in 1941. He was subsequently assigned as an instructor at Maxwell Field, Ala.

During World War II, General Sianis served in the European Theater of Operations, as a squadron commander, flying B-17 and B-24 aircraft. Between May 1944 and, March 1945, he flew 20 missions and accumulated 150 combat flying hours. He returned to the United States in 1946, was released from active duty in February 1946, and was a member of the inactive reserve.

In July 1947 he returned to active duty and went to Spokane Air Force Base, Wash., to assume command of a bombardment squadron assigned to the 92d Bombardment Wing. He later served in the wing headquarters as commander of Headquarters Squadron, wing adjutant, executive officer, operations, and personnel officer, and in July 1953 became deputy director of materiel. In 1949 he attended Air Command Staff School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. During the Korean War, while assigned to the 92d Bombardment Wing, he flew 10 combat missions for a total of 90 hours in B-29 aircraft between July and October 1950.

In June 1954 General Sianis went to Guam and served as chief of operations and Training for the 3d Air Division. In April 1955 he was assigned to Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., as deputy chief of the Logistics Division. He was transferred to Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., in March 1958, and served as director of materiel for the 1st Strategic Aerospace Division and later was special assistant to the division commander.

In July 1961 he returned to Strategic Air Command Headquarters and served as chief of the Weapons Maintenance Division until September 1963, when he assumed command of the 319th Bombardment Wing at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D. In May 1964 he assumed command of the 410th Bombardment Wing at K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base, Mich.

In August 1966 General Sianis was assigned to the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as deputy director for Logistics and in July 1968 became deputy director, the Joint Staff.

In May 1969 General Sianis again returned to Headquarters Strategic Air Command where he assumed duties as deputy chief of staff for materiel and in September 1971 was appointed deputy chief of staff for operations.

His military decorations and awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Army Commendation Medal. He is a command pilot with more than 5,000 flying hours.

He was promoted to the temporary grade of major general effective Aug. 1, 1968, with date of rank Aug. 19, 1964.

(Current as of Oct. 15, 1971)