The same people, seven years on

Lt. Anne-Claude Gouy
First published in
SFOR Informer#155, January 9, 2003

Personnel of the Netherlands battle group (NLBG) can be proud of what has been achieved in Sibenica. Thanks to them, soldiers from a Bosnian-Croat brigade and a Bosniac brigade, both belonging to the Federation Army (VF), worked together to build a road. Every car, and moreover the school bus, will be able to use it, and the two brigades will go on with working side by side. This will make life easier for the people of Sibenica.

Sibenica - Just after Jajce there is a little village named Sibenica. It's unusual in that it extends up the side of a mountain. The centre with its school is just in the middle, and to get there the 1,000 residents, including the children, have to travel five kilometres up and down several times each day. And during the winter it's not always possible.
On Dec. 21, a symbolic ceremony took place in Sibenica.

Having one driving purpose…
"Can you imagine that? Fighting with each other seven years ago, and look at them today; working side by side, and so happy to offer this road to the village" said Lt. Col. Harold Jacobs, Base Commander of the NLBG stationed in Bugojno. He said that most of the residents came here to assist with the opening ceremony in the presence of Branko Cavar, the mayor of Jajce, Col. Amer Durakovic (Bosniac) from the 7th Brigade, and Brig. Gen. Marinko Palavra (B-Croat), Commander of the 3rd Brigade.
With a common voice, these three people thanked the NLBG for everything they did for them. Looking at the children, Jacobs added: "That's a great example for them. It shows them what is most important for their future, we want them to avoid what their parents have known".
The NLBG gave a beautiful present by providing financial help to the construction of this road and by managing the common work, but they received an equally beautiful present in exchange, when Palavra said: "Even if SFOR leaves, we will go on working together." The NLBG tried to teach them how to work side by side, and to show them that their army can do as well as any other. "The facts are more gratifying than we could have expected it. They use to do a lot of things together: sport tournaments, training exercises. Further more, they even take some common initiative without conferring to us."

…and make it becomes true
"The project started on March 14th, with the signing of the contract by the main parties and all was very well planed also on the 'high level'" told Maj. Ruud Middelhoven, Chief of the NLBG JMA (Joint Military Affairs). Then, about 20 Dutch soldiers and 40 VF soldiers worked daily widening and levelling the road, digging a drainage-canal, creating culverts beneath the road and pouring, levelling and steamrollering a top layer of 3,000 square metres of gravel. "For us it was the most important: show them that the army has a very important role in peace time for the community and the children's culture" added Middelhoven. Because the NLBG did a lot of things for the children before, in addition to this road: it gave some furniture, sports equipment and came and saw them during some quiet moments. "One year ago I was in Germany putting some furniture in a big truck heading for BiH, but didn't know where exactly. How big is my surprise to see this same furniture right there in the classroom! Now I know why we worked so hard one year ago. And it's a big pleasure" said 2Lt. Melanie Roodenburg from Dutch army. This day, everybody received a good present: in reality or in his mind. And the last words of Jacobs were full of hope: "We are now completely confident: they want to work together for their future."

Related links: SFOR at Work
Nations of SFOR: Netherlands

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Photos: Sgt. Laurent Pontillon

A hot chocolate and some cakes stopped gathering everybody, and charming children and adults.

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Col. Amer Durakovic, Brig. Gen. Marinko Palavra and Lt. Col. Harold Jacobs inaugurated the road to Sibenica in front of the residents gathered.

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The eyes of this little girl and what she's keeping in her hands are the best hope for a new life.