Soldier in the spotlight

Maj. Pellumb Elezi
First published in
SFOR Informer#155, January 9, 2003

Cpl. Martan Feit is a member of the Hungarian contingent within the Multinational Specialised Unit (MSU) in Camp Butmir. He was born in 1973 in the town of Szolnok near the river Tisza, in the eastern part of Hungary. Martan began his service as a contract soldier in 1996. He is a marksman. "I like the military life and I am a good marksman," he said.
This is the first time he is serving with NATO. Two years ago, he went to Cyprus for a mission with the United Nations. It was a good experience for him, he said, because of the multinational environment. "It was very good to work together with other nations. I learnt about other habits, communication, English."
His tour in BiH started in the middle of December 2002 and will be over in June 2003. Feit wants "to make his contribution to the return of normal life in a country where everybody will be able to live peacefully."
"My best memory since six years is the moment I met Gabriela, now my wife," said Martan. He now has two children: Viktor, 4 years old, and Kristina, 5 months old. They are always on his mind.
In his spare time, Martan likes to study English, listen to music, and watch TV and video. "Before the first mission I got a qualification in English during a course for beginners and now I am pretty good, but I still study," he said.
He isn't here for long but hopes to meet some interesting people to have a good relationship with some of them. "When I was in Cyprus, I had a lot of friends there and I hope to have many friends here from other countries," said Martan.
For the future he hopes to continue in military. "I intend to keep serving the Hungarian Army, but for now my first goal is to successfully terminate my tour here, and then to spend some time with my family," he concluded.

Related link:
Nations of SFOR: Hungary

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