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Water: Source Water Protection

Septic Systems and Source Water Protection

Septic systems treat and disperse relatively small volumes of wastewater from individual homes or small numbers of homes and commercial buildings. When properly sited, designed, constructed and operated they pose a minimal threat to drinking water sources but when improperly used or operated, septic systems can be a significant source of ground water contamination. Septic system regulation is usually a state, tribal or local responsibility.

A Section 319 Success Story

The Coverdale Crossroads Community is in Sussex County, Delaware. Failing septic systems were resulting in contaminated drinking water wells and nutrient loss to surface water and ground water supplies. Most residents used a cesspool, a failed septic system or no system at all. Find out how Cloverdale Crossroads met this challenge at partners upgrade septic systems in coverdale crossroads.

Septic System Fact Sheets

Local Ordinance Examples

Many communities have ordinances in place to protect source water from contaminates from failing septic systems.

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