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News: Cavalry Bradley crews conduct gunnery exercises

Story by Sgt. Quentin JohnsonSmall RSS IconSubscriptions Icon Subscribe To This Journalist

Cavalry Bradley crews conduct gunnery exercises Sgt. Quentin Johnson

Bradley crews from the 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, await their turn for the lanes during a Gunnery Table V live-fire exercise at Clabber Creek Multiuse Range, here Oct. 15. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Quentin Johnson, 2BCT, 1st Cav Div PAO)

FORT HOOD, Texas – Infantrymen have longed utilized their skills in combat to conduct movement on foot, but in keeping with the armor tradition, they have began qualifying on their Bradleys.

More than a dozen Bradley crews from B Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, conducted Gunnery Table V live-fire exercises at Jack Mountain Multiuse Range, here Oct. 15 to 16.

Table V is the final step before Bradley crews participate in their individual crew Table VI qualification, said Capt. Travis Walter, B Company Commander. Crews participated in Tables I through IV the week prior to ensure their Bradley’s, weapons systems and communication equipment functioned properly.

The three- to four-man crews engaged simulated targets utilizing different scenarios ensuring their proficient in their positions while building team cohesion, Walter added.

“We need to see that crew cohesion, knowing they will work together to have an efficient engagement time while properly identifying the target during both day and night scenarios,” he said.

As most crew members were infantrymen who never participated in a Gunnery or mechanized exercise, it was key that experienced soldiers took the lead.

“Our unit has a handful of individuals with gunnery experience and (B Company leaders) look to them to train, coach and mentor the less experienced,” Walter stated.

Spc. Stephen Miller said he was thankful for the experiences taught by his peers.

“I have a better understanding of the weapons systems and maintenance because of the invaluable knowledge passed on to me by my Bradley commander,” Miller added, an infantryman with B Company.

Experienced infantrymen went a step further during training to ensure their less experienced crew members are ready for the qualification table.

“We built on the foundations of our craft, ensuring we know our positions within the Bradley, our weapons, and how to maintain and repair the equipment, which seems to be the greatest challenge for us,” said Sgt. Jonathan Lane.

Despite the maintenance challenges, Lane was impressed with his crew’s performance, and confident they would succeed in the Table VI crew qualification.

“The crew did really well. We clarified a lot of issues and improved since Table II,” Lane added, an infantryman with B Company. “Doing so well through the challenges says a lot about my crew.”

Walter said while all crews did well and are ready for qualification, he wants the crews to focus on the experience, fundamentals and cohesion rather than chasing a high score.

“A little healthy competition is good,” Walter said, “but I would like the crews to go into Table VI and come out qualifying with a great experience, being proficient in their fundamentals and with a greater cohesiveness among the crew members.”

B Company is scheduled to conduct Tables VII through XII next month.

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Date Taken:10.24.2012

Date Posted:10.24.2012 15:12

Location:FORT HOOD, TX, USGlobe

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