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Kids Day connects troops, Iraqi children; Getting past post-holiday blues; Getting past post-holiday blues; Combat Stress: Maintaining proper sleep hygiene; Combat Stress: Maintaining proper sleep hygiene; Soldier proves that hard work helps achieve PT goals; NFL stars...


Competition strengthens tactical skills; Giving the gifts that truly matter; The Weekly Standard: Corrective training Part II; Combat Stress: Ways to cope with the holiday blues; Advanced technology helps troops maintain skills; Senior leader surprises troops with...


IP take the lead, provide humanitarian assistance; 703rd BSB toops teach Iraqi mechanics; Infantry soldiers support free medical clinic; U.S. Secretary of Defense visits Vanguard soldiers; Gates awards Military Police Soldier the Purple Heart


Brigade Highlights: Headquarter & Headquarters Section; Here at Bagram...; Christmas Around the World is about Family; Celebrating the holidays deployed


All smiles: U.S., Iraqi troops help students; Mail rooms prepare for holiday season; Spiritual resiliency is key to readiness; Army chief of chaplains visits Camp Victory; Service members celebrate Thanksgiving with food, entertainment;