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CENTCOM Insider - Jul. 6

Audio by Baxter Taylor | 131st Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 07.06.2007

This edition features stories on the success of Operation Iron Blitz, the Marines patrol the Horn of Africa and an Army unit clears routes in southern Baghdad. Hosted by Army Sgt. Brooks Taylor.


Cav. Roundup 156

Audio by Sgt. Jesse Granger | Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | Date: 07.02.2007

This edition features stories on Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment finding an Iranian rocket cache; Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment finding caches in Rashid mosques; Iraqi...


Cav. Roundup 154

Audio by Sgt. Jesse Granger | Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | Date: 06.29.2007

This edition features stories on targeted raids north of Baghdad that led to the capture of five suspected al-Qaida operatives; Soldiers killing three insurgents and thwarting a roadside bomb; Soldiers from the...


Cav Roundup 153

Audio by Sgt. Jesse Granger | Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | Date: 06.27.2007

The edition features stories on an explosion killing nine and injuring eleven at a hotel while members of the United Front organization met to discuss reconciliation. Coalition and U.S. troops captured two...


Cav Roundup 150

Audio by Sgt. Jesse Granger | Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | Date: 06.22.2007

This edition features stories about the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, teamed with soldiers from the 11th Iraqi Army Division detaining for suspects and seizing bomb making materials during a cordon and...