Friday Extras

OMB Director Peter Orszag is up again on his new blog, this time addressing the questions on how the budget will affect deductions for charitable contributions ("Is our budget proposal uncharitable?") Again, very much worth reading in full. 

The EPA has video of the First Lady’s visit from yesterday. Also chime in on their Question of the Week: How has your community used smart growth for environment-friendly development?

The State Department also has their question of the week up: "What Is the Best Path Forward for Gaza?" It's accompanied by the picture below:

DOT gets underway on Expressions of Interest on high-speed rail.

In case you missed it in today’s scrappy live-blog, Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan and Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced a major partnership between their departments that will use $16 billion in funds from the ARRA to help create green jobs.

Talk to any career web professional in the federal government long enough, and sooner or later the TSA’s blog comes up. Vent your traveling frustrations; they might even fix it – really.

Related Topics: Economy, Foreign Policy