Host a Community Discussion and Be Part of the President’s Forum on Jobs

UPDATE: Due to overwhelming response, with thousands of people having signed up to host, we have extended the deadline to January 7, 2010.

This Thursday, the President is hosting a discussion at the White House to explore every possible avenue for job creation and get ideas from CEOs, small business owners, economists, financial experts, labor union representatives, nonprofit groups and regular Americans who have felt the impact of this economic crisis firsthand.

But you don't need to be at the event in DC to participate.  Today we’re announcing nationwide community job forums that will run from November 30th through January 7th.  These discussions, among neighbors, co-workers and friends, will be a source of insights and ideas that will inform the President’s approach to job creation.  Through, hosts can upload the results of their discussions. Back here at the White House, we’ll compile the feedback into a report that will be sent to the Oval Office for review.

Let us know if you are interested in organizing a jobs forum in your community, and we’ll follow up with discussion questions and other materials to make your event as productive as possible. We’re not able to offer an events center where you can find events already happening, so if you haven’t heard of one in your area, start your own and reach out to your network for participants.

UPDATE: Watch the video about what's going on with the local economy in Allentown, PA that was shown at the beginning of the President's forum:

Download Video: mp4 (76MB)
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