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Publications Overview

The Maryland State Department of Education publishes numerous documents for a wide variety of audiences. Below are links to some of our most popular publications. The menu on the left-hand side of this page contains additional links to publications.
If you do not see what you are looking for here, try the Special Reports section.

In Focus
Preparing World-Class Students: Maryland's Plan for Education Reform, May 2012

Vol. 18 No.2 October 2012
Maryland Classroom:
Teacher and Principal Evaluations

October 2012

Maryland's Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Plan
Maryland's Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Plan

Summary of Maryland's
Flexibility Plan (October 2012)

The 2012 Summer Educator Effectiveness Academies, Maryland Classroom, September 2012
The 2012 Summer Educator Effectiveness Academies

Maryland Classroom
September 2012

Maryland Classroom: Focus on Transition
Maryland Classroom:
Focus on Transition

May 2012

Education Week's Quality Counts 2012
Education Week's Quality Counts 2012

Maryland's State Education system #1 in Nation
Quality Counts 2012
Maryland's State Education
system #1 in Nation

2012 State Of Education Report
State Of Education Report

Maryland's New Common Core State Standards And PARENTS

AGAIN, Maryland Ranks #1 in Advanced Placement (AP) Success
AGAIN, Maryland Ranks #1 in Advanced Placement (AP) Success

Superlatives 2012, Maryland's Achievements in Public Education
Superlatives 2012
Maryland's Achievements
in Public Education
Maryland STEM: Innovation today to meet tomorrow's global challenges
Maryland's New Common Core State Standards and Teachers

A Practical Guide to Planning, Constructing, and Using School Courtyards
A Practical Guide to Planning, Constructing, and Using School Courtyards
June 2012

Environmental Education in Maryland Public Schools

2011 Charter School Annual Report
2011 Charter School
Annual Report

August 2012

Policies and Programs on Concussions for Public Schools and Youth Sports Programs

2012 MSA Results
2012 MSA Results
July 2012

2010 - 2011 Fact Book
Fact Book

2011-2012 School Readiness Report
School Readiness Report
March 2012

A Review of the 2009 Master Plan Updates
CTE Programs of Study
CTE Programs of Study
March 2011 (3MB-PDF)
African American Male Workgroup Report
African American Male Workgroup Report

June 2010
Revised. May 2011
Character Education by Design
Character Education by Design
A Blueprint for Successful District
and School Initiatives

October 2008

Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment
Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment

Foreign translations of selected publications

Maryland Teacher Staffing Report 2010-2012

Student Mobility Report
   July 2004

A Shared Responsibility: Recommendations for Increasing Family and Community Involvement in Schools 
 --Maryland's Parent Advisory Council (M-PAC)

MSDE Strategic Plan 2005 Update

PRIDE Maryland Public Schools
   What is PRIDE? PRIDE Profiles.
   Ways to Show Your PRIDE.

MSA Technical Reports

HSA Technical Report

Building the Bridge: State of Education 2004

Maryland's Plan for Family, School, and Community Involvement

Maryland School Assessment publications

Report on Implementing the Geographic Cost of Education Index
Dec. 31, 2003

Great Expectations: State of Education 2003

MSDE Bulletin

MSDE Fact Sheets

Maryland Classroom: A newsletter for teachers

The Maryland Plan for Title II Reporting Requirements of the Higher Education Act ( Sections 207 and 208)

Staff and Student Publications

Page Updated: 10.31.2012



Contact Information
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
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