Lincoln County


Senior Transportation
Senior Transportation provides residents who are 60 years of age or older transportation to nutrition sites, medical appointments, necessary shopping and other sites.

For more information or to schedule a trip call:   1.800.851-4204

General Public Transportation

Bus Schedules For more information or to schedule a trip call:   1.800.851-4204

Job Access Transportation

People For People has worked with numerous agencies to provide transportation for receipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)and their children. Transportation to job training activities such as Job Search, Work Experience and On-the-Job Training is provided to people who have no other means of transportation.

For more information or to schedule a trip call:For more information or to schedule a trip call:   1.800.851.4204

Medicaid Transportation Brokering

Special Mobility Services provides Medicaid transportation services in Lincoln County.

For more information or to schedule a trip call:   
Local: 509.534.9760
Toll Free: 800.892.4817
TDD Local: 509.534.5266
TDD Toll Free: 800.821.7167
Fax Ride Requests Toll Free: 800.829.9915