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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Johns Hopkins University

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the
Johns Hopkins Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships


The Military Child Initiative will assist public schools to improve the quality of education for highly mobile and vulnerable young people with a special focus on military children and their families by providing national, state and local education agencies, as well as schools, parents and health, child welfare, juvenile justice and educational professionals with information, tools and services that enhance school success.


  1. Improve school outcomes by increasing a sense of connectedness for highly mobile young people in public, charter and private schools.
  2. Identify effective programs that improve the social, emotional, academic and health outcomes for children in military and other mobile environments.
  3. Identify effective programs that use the school setting to provide social, emotional, and academic support to military children and other young people in especially difficult circumstances.
  4. Enable every public school serving military children to establish and sustain goal oriented programs so that all families and communities remain connected to the children’s educational success and well-being.
  5. Increase the capacity and give instruction and support to all who work with youth in especially mobile circumstances so as to facilitate the above.




Military Child Initiative
615 North Wolfe Street, E4527
Baltimore, Maryland 21205
