Family Retreats

Together we're stronger

Operation Purple® Family Retreats are designed to help families to reconnect after experiencing the stresses surrounding a deployment. They are a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, try new things, make friends, and enjoy quality time together as a family. These four-day retreats take place in beautiful National Parks and are led by experienced outdoor educators. The raves by families who have already attended tell you all you need to know about this exceptional program:

“Being outdoors in such an incredible environment can lessen the stress we face in our everyday lives.

“The whole weekend made me reflect on good and not so good things about our family. It made me think of areas to improve on and realize areas that we’re great at."



Each retreat provides specialized staff members to guide families through activities such as nature hikes, canoeing, campfires, and more. Operation Purple Family Retreats are open to service members and their families who have experienced a deployment within the last 15 months. To be eligible, service members must have returned from deployment no less than 3 months and no more than 15 months prior to the start date of each retreat. PLEASE NOTE: Although travel expenses are not included, families who attend will receive a $200 stipend per family to offset the cost of their travel before departing from the retreat site. These retreats are free thanks to support from the Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foundation.

Click here for more information about the specific locations and upcoming Family Retreats.


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Until military families are relieved of the weight of war, we hope you will continue to contribute to their wellbeing.

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