Albuquerque Museum

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Information about the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History.

One of the Duke City's top attractions, the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History offers a wealth of cultural and historical artifacts and works of art.

From the ancient to post-modern, the Albuquerque Museum has long been a must-see showcase in Old Town.

Plan a visit soon, whether you are a visitor to our great city or a longtime resident. We have fun for all!

Popular Information

Explore the Collection

Enjoy one of the widest ranges of art in New Mexico. Learn more.

Be a Museum Volunteer

The Albuquerque Museum is a wonderful place to serve as a volunteer. Learn more.

Third Thursday

Take advantage of free admission on the Third Thursday of the month. Learn more.

What's New

Current Exhibitions

Enjoy these great displays today at the Albuquerque Museum. Learn More.

Upcoming Exhibits

Make plans for these future exhibitions. Learn more.

Online Tickets Available

Albuquerque Museum tickets are available online. Learn more.

Upcoming Events

View more upcoming events.

Sunday Program: New Media, What is It?

Learn about new media's influence on art creation and experience.

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Sunday Program: ISEA2012 Artists' Collectives

Experience the latest from emerging technical artists.

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3rd Thursday: Miniatures and More

Get a closer look at the small world of minatures.

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Family Fun: Noche de Luces

Be part of New Mexico's holiday wonder.

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Family Fun: Holiday Art Workshop

Join us for a make-and-take art project.

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