Environmental Health

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Welcome to the Environmental Health Department

The mission of the Environmental Health Department is to responsively and professionally serve the people of Albuquerque by promoting and protecting public health, by preventing disease, and by preserving the integrity and quality of our environment through sustainable management and responsible stewardship.

Programs and Wildlife

Pharmaceutical Disposal Program

Help protect our families and drinking water supply by using the City of Albuquerque Household Pharmaceutical Disposal Program.

Air Quality

Learn about today's pollen count, burn advisories, and regulations to help keep Albuquerque's air clean.

Learn more about air quality.

Urban Wildlife

Albuquerque is home to several types of wildlife including coyotes. The Environmental Health Department is working toward minimizing conflict between humans and coyotes. Here are some tips for living with coyotes in Albuquerque.

Pest Management

The Urban Biology Division is a county-wide effort to protect public health from infectious disease outbreaks transmitted by insects and animal hosts. Click here to learn more.

Consumer Health Protection

Keeping the environment healthy and safe includes:


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