Privately Financed Candidates

Information about privately financed election candidates.

All candidates, whether publicly or privately financed, must report all contributions and expenditures, pursuant to the Election Code.

Unlike publicly financed candidates, who may only spend the funds distributed by the City, privately financed candidates have no fundraising or spending limits.

Restrictions on Fundraising

The Albuquerque City Charter Elections Code ("Code") Section 4 covers Campaign Financing, including establishing limits to campaign financing and contributions as well as a ban on contributions from business entities.

Groups wishing to oppose or support a candidate or ballot issue are subject to the Measure Finance Committee ("MFC") provisions of the Election Code and that they must register as a MFC if the contribution or expemditure is in excess of $250. Election Code Section 2(k).

Please contact the Office of the City Clerk for further information or to register as a MFC.

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