American Red Cross
Ready When the Time Comes
"The greatest resource the business community can contribute to disaster relief is its employees' time and dedication. Volunteers trained through RWTC truly exemplify the people power that is the foundation of any disaster response. The RWTC program is a great example of the business community's leadership in disaster preparedness and the hallmark of Grainger's partnership with the American Red Cross."

-Jim Ryan, Chairman, President & CEO, W.W. Grainger, Inc

"Ready When the Time Comes is an efficient way for the Red Cross to activate multiple volunteers with one phone call to a sponsor company for response to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tornados and ice storms as well as other local emergencies. The American Red Cross runs on the valuable service of its more than 600,000 volunteers and continues to look for ways to attract new volunteers to help people in need of emergency services."

-Gail McGovern, President and CEO, American Red Cross

"I volunteered to work the Friday night shift because I was going through a tough time personally and needed to keep busy. Meeting and working with the shelter residents with wonderful fellow volunteers and resilient and hopeful disaster victims who were smiling and moving forward despite having lost their homes in an unexpected flood. I'm grateful I had the opportunity to serve and figure I gained as much from the experience as I was able to offer to others. I'll definitely volunteer in the future."

-Stephanie Butler, FedEx





What is Ready When the Time Comes (RWTC)?

This corporate volunteer program taps into the human resources of corporate America. The American Red Cross trains employees from partnering corporations and mobilizes them as a community-based volunteer force when disaster strikes.

Why is RWTC needed?

How Does It Work?

Expectations of Corporate Partner

Benefits of Being a Partner



Why is RWTC needed?


Each year, the American Red Cross responds to more than 70,000 disaster incidents -- hurricanes, fires, storms, floods, tornados, explosions, etc. -- serving those affected with sheltering, feeding and financial assistance if needed. In 2010, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Region responded to more than 350 disasters and served more than 500 families, more than 1,500 individuals and provided more than $300,000 in direct financial assistance to those people affected by disaster. This requires not only Red Cross employees and trained disaster volunteers, but also specially-trained, quickly mobilized volunteers who can fill specific needs. RWTC is designed to recruit and prepare those volunteers.


How Does It Work?

  • Local companies partner with their local Red Cross chapter, recruiting employees as volunteers who the chapter trains for disaster response.
  • Partner Companies commit to making these employees available for service at least one day per year.
  • When a local, large-scale disaster occurs, the Red Cross calls the Partner Companies, which then activate their volunteers as directed.
  • RWTC volunteers work alongside Red Cross employees and trained disaster volunteers.

The Red Cross chapter will train volunteers, using national training curricula, in one or more of these specialty areas:

  • Sheltering
  • Mass Care and Feeding
  • Damage Assessment
  • Bulk Distribution
  • Casework
  • Other services, as needed by the local Red Cross Chapter

RWTC volunteers may be asked to respond to any major local disaster:

  • Tornado
  • Hurricane
  • Floods
  • Major fires that displace large number of residents
  • Periods of extreme heat or cold


Expectations of Corporate Partner:

Partner Companies are asked to:

  • Sign a non-binding statement of understanding which establishes a working relationship between the Red Cross and the company.
  • Commit to recruiting employees as volunteers.
  • Designate a primary and a secondary liaison person who will be responsible for managing the program within the company. These are the people who the Red Cross will call when the RWTC Team needs to be activated.
  • Provide a location, logistical support and an appropriate time for employee volunteers to be trained.
  • Be an active partner – maintain ongoing liaison with the Red Cross, stay in communication with the volunteers, participate in an annual mock disaster preparedness drill, develop other ways the company can support the work of the Red Cross chapter.
  • Red Cross chapters also offer many different volunteer opportunities throughout the year – RWTC companies and employees are encouraged to become involved in the life of the chapter.

How do local RWTC Partner companies benefit?
Partner companies benefit in a number of ways, including:

  • Supporting employees in their desire to help, particularly in times of great local need, which in turn raises employee morale, increases loyalty and helps companies retain valuable employees;
  • Visibility – companies are seen to be a supportive community partner, which leads to good public opinion toward the company as being socially responsible;
  • RWTC associates the name of the company and brand with one of the most trusted and charitable organizations in the world, the American Red Cross;
  • RWTC companies are acknowledged in the local chapter's communication materials – including website and newsletters.


Interested in Learning More or Getting Involved?

Contact Victor Roosen at 412-263-3144 or


