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Welcome to the Tri-State Transportation Campaign

[NYC bus]

It’s time to face what all of us know: much of our transportation system is broken. Traveling in the NY/NJ/CT metropolitan region is often a nightmare. In fact, transportation is our region’s number one economic and environmental problem.

Press Releases and Statements

More Press Releases and Statements ยป

Turnpike Widening Based on Bad Science
An independent analysis commissioned by TSTC shows that congestion relief on the NJ Turnpike can be achieved by less expensive and environmentally threatening methods than the planned $2.7 billion widening. The report highlights multiple errors in the NJ Turnpike Authority's environmental review documents that overstate the need for the widening project. Get the analysis here.

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30+ Groups For Access to the Region's Core
Over thirty environmental, business, labor, and civic organizations have joined a resolution in support of Access to the Region's Core, the vital project to double train capacity between New Jersey and NYC. Learn more and tell your elected officials to support the project by clicking here.

Bridge Tolls Would Impact Few in NYC and Suburbs
The Ravitch Commission's plan to fix the MTA's budget and save riders from massive fare hikes and service cuts contains a controversial funding source - adding tolls to the free East River and Harlem River bridges. But very few workers in New York City or the surrounding suburbs drive alone into Manhattan to work. Get the factsheets here.

The Commuter Zone

Links and information specific to your commute

New York New Jersey Connecticut
© 2009 Tri-State Transportation Campaign
350 West 31st Street #802, New York NY 10001
212.268.7474 (NY), 609.271.0778 (NJ), 860.796.6988 (CT)
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