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Ready When the Time Comes
Ready When the Time Comes (RWTC) is an American Red Cross volunteer involvement program that utilizes the invaluable human resources of corporate America. The Red Cross trains employees from partnering corporations and organizations and mobilizes them as a community-based volunteer force when disaster strikes.
Volunteers who are trained and ready to help in times of disaster are always needed. The Red Cross is offering the RWTC program to organizations to engage and train committed teams of employee volunteers who will be ready to respond immediately to a local disaster. This innovative program will save lives and help people in communities affected by disaster - - whenever they occur.

How does RWTC work?

Corporations and organizations establish a partnership with the American Red Cross in the National Capital Region and allow their employees to receive free disaster relief training. Then, when disasters strike, these trained employees are available to respond to local emergencies as Red Cross disaster services volunteers. Trained employees are available for service at least one day per year for significant disasters that impact the local area such as large scale flooding and major power outages.
RWTC partners are called when a disaster occurs in the National Capital Region, and provide assistance at the Red Cross service sites.

What kind of services can RWTC Volunteers provide?

• Mass care and feeding
Shelter operations
*Other opportunities may be available and could include areas such as Disaster Assessment, Logistics/Bulk Distribution, etc.

What is required of RWTC partners?

Partnering organizations are asked to:
Sign a voluntary letter of agreement, which establishes a working relationship between the Red Cross and the organization
Commit to recruiting employees as volunteers
Designate a primary and secondary liaison person who is responsible for managing the program within the company. They will be the initial contacts when the RWTC Team needs to be deployed.
Provide a location and the logistical support for employees to be trained if not done on at a Red Cross office.
Be an active partner by maintaining an ongoing relationship with the Red Cross, staying in communication with the volunteers, participating in mock disaster drills, and developing additional ways in which the organization can support the Red Cross.

Volunteering and your health:  How giving back benefits everyone

A survey released by UnitedHealthcare, a UnitedHealth Group company, and VolunteerMatch identifies some of the key health benefits of volunteering. The UnitedHealthcare/VolunteerMatch Do Good. Live Well. Survey of more than 4,500 American adults found that 68 percent of those who volunteered in the past year report that volunteering has made them feel physically healthier.

Volunteering Rates and Relationship to work:

Employers have an important role to play in encouraging volunteerism among their employees.
• 25% of those who volunteer do so through their place of work.
• Among those who volunteer through work: o 84% agree that “more people would volunteer if their employers helped provide the means and the motivation.”
o 81% agree that “volunteering with work colleagues has strengthened our relationships.”
o 76% agree that “I feel better about my employer because of their involvement in my volunteer activities.”
o 21% agree that “I would not be a volunteer if it wasn’t for my employer.”
o 88% of all volunteers agree that volunteering provides networking/career development opportunities.

How RWTC partners benefit

Provides a way for companies to be involved in their communities by responding to critical needs after a disaster.
Links an organization’s name and brand with the American Red Cross – one of the world’s most trusted charitable organizations.
Allows companies to give back to communities in a unique and visible way that clearly demonstrates a commitment to investing in the community and helping to keep it safe.
Branding opportunities provide recognition in the community
Gives employees an opportunity to volunteer and to meet high-priority needs locally. RWTC is an excellent avenue in which to motivate employees, to build leadership and management skills, and to encourage teamwork.

For more information and/or to become part of the Ready When The Time Comes program, please contact Jessica Adams at (703) 584-8407 or adamsj@redcrossnca.org

Corporate Sponsorship opportunities available
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