United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center & Clinics (SORCC)

Office of Public Affairs


The Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center & Clinics News and Media Center is your source for news, publications,      brochures, fact sheets, data and more.


Support and assistance to members of the News Media and community organizations:

  • Responding to Media Queries
  • Providing Subject Matter Experts
  • Scheduling and coordinating interview
  • Fact sheets and statistical information
  • Images/video of our facilities and official Logos
  • Information about VA-related outreach and events
Note: Communicating with the Public and other stakeholders about how we provide exceptional healthcare to Veterans is vital to the work we do. Towards that end, we make every attempt to assist News Media in their newsgathering, to provide access to our facilities, and to make expert resources available. Our top priority, however, is protecting the privacy and security of the patients/residents we serve.

Setting Up Media Interviews
Please contact the VA SORCC Public Affairs Officer if you are interested in locating a VA official or subject matter expert for a story. Patients/residents, in particular, must agree to be interviewed and photographed and must sign a consent form.
Visiting Our Facilities
We strictly adhere to federal guidelines regarding residents  privacy as outlined by the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To protect our residents’ privacy, we require all reporters and photographers visiting our facilities to be escorted by a Public Affairs staff member. Media access may be limited or denied to any area of a facility at the discretion of the VA SORCC director, the patients’/residents healthcare team or individual physicians.











































Anna Diehl                  Public Affairs Officer        Phone: 541-830-7583
Rhonda Haney                        Public Affairs Specialist       Phone: 541-830-7585




About Us



Facility Photos


VA SORCC Feature Stories

Local Press Release

National Press Release


SORCC Newsletter



SORCC Calendar


SORCC (coming soon)

Veterans Health YouTube Channel


Veterans Data and Statistics

VA Office of Public Affairs

VA History in Brief

Inside Veterans Health

Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors