United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center & Clinics (SORCC)

Construction News


B205 – This is a design/build project.  Design is at about 50% complete with expected construction starting in May. Expected completion is summer of 2013

B219 – Canteen Remodel – Construction underway with completion expected end of May


B201 – Ambulatory Care Project – Underway with the demolition of Building 245 and installation of a new parking area.  

Expected completion is late spring / early summer 2013.


Carpet Replacement Project – Currently working in Building 206, next to be 207 and 208 South.  Expected completion is July.


B211 US – Dental Renovation:  Construction underway.  It is approximately 20% complete.  Expected completion is March, 2013.


Fire Wall Penetration Contract – Project is about 90% complete and should be done in November.


B236 - Food Service Construction – Currently out for bid.  Expect to award construction project in June with construction

starting in early fall. Expected completion is late CY 2013. 


Security Upgrades – Primarily associated with the Pharmacy and Residential areas.  Project is almost complete.  

Had one change order that is needed to make the system more robust. 


B201 Radiology / Flouro – New unit is in.  Some minor cleanup work to be finished to close this out.


B211 Audiology – Construction underway to prepare room for new booths.  Expect to be installed and ready

for operation in June.


Sidewalks – Project to restart next week along Avenue N.  Some temporary closure of ramps will occur at B214

along with restricted parking in that area.


Klamath Falls CBOC - New Building Lease Improvements


Native American Area Upgrade Design – 95% complete


Steam Trap Replacement – Energy Savings – Start April, complete September


Upcoming Projects – 




Security Project Phase 2 (new police dispatch center, B208 upgrades, and Infirmary video system)

Replace Carpet B213, police area and volunteer area B202 including entrance corridor.

Enhance Corridors Phase 2 – B212 through B209 area

HVAC System Canteen and Game Room

Design for conversion of Boiler Plant to use low pressure steam

B201 – Lab and old dental area renovation design

Emergency Well Design

B223 Basement Clean Up