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Housing Builds: N.C. Housing Trust Fund Campaign Succeeds

During this past Session, the General Assembly appropriated $10 million to Housing Trust Fund.

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency works with a diverse group of organizations to secure funds for the Housing Trust Fund. We thank all of our

partners for their ongoing support.

Efforts to increase the Housing Trust Fund’s appropriation build on the Campaign for Housing Carolina, a statewide public awareness campaign launched in 2002 to bring attention to the need for affordable housing. In 2004, the Campaign for Housing Carolina sharpened its focus to build public support for increasing the annual appropriation to the Housing Trust Fund.

The Housing Trust Fund, created by the General Assembly in 1987, is North Carolina’s only state-funded and state-designed resource for affordable housing. It provides home ownership opportunities for low-income families, apartment developments for families, seniors and people with disabilities, and finances home repairs and accessibility modifications for the elderly and disabled persons. The Trust Fund also finances supportive housing for homeless families, victims of domestic violence, and people with mental illness, developmental and other disabilities.

Our affordable housing partners – nonprofits, local governments, real estate agents, lenders and others – are encouraged to contact their state representatives and urge them to support a $20-million recurring appropriation for the Housing Trust Fund.

If you have questions about the Housing Trust Fund or the request for additional funds, contact Margaret Matrone at

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