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Welcome to the Sierra Club Wyoming Chapter

Wyoming's wild places, worth protecting!

Grand Teton National Park, WY. Courtesy NPS.

Home to jagged mountains, rolling pasture, breathtaking desert and iconic wildlife, Wyoming is one of the last places where you can still see the majestic beauty that attracted settlers to the old West. Clean water, fresh air and scenic wildlands are what attract people to Wyoming and keep them here.

But that beauty has been increasingly under attack. Beneath the surface, Wyoming is rich in minerals and natural resources, especially oil, natural gas and coal. These resources are being extracted haphazardly and without concern for the landscape. This affects sensitive habitat for wildlife, recreational opportunities and our air and water.

Our national forests are becoming drill sites and our wildlife is threatened by dangerous state management policies. Learn more about these issues and how you can help protect wild Wyoming.


Federal government releases new delisting proposal for wolves. Read our press release.

Teton Group Outing Schedule 2009

Sep 26
National Public Lands Day
We will work in Grand Teton National Park at the Jenny Lake Campground to remove old benches and prepare the site for new benches. Please bring work gloves, weather appropriate clothing, water, and a snack. After the work party, a community picnic lunch will take place back at the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center.

Oct 3
Leader's Choice
This week's hike with be a leader's choice hike so please contact the outings leader for the location and description of the hike.

Oct 10
Hanging Canyon
Enjoy a beautiful fall hike to Lake of the Crags in Hanging Canyon. This hike is short, sweet and tough as it is mostly uphill with an elevation gain 2,500 feet in less then 3 miles.

Oct 17
Adopt a Highway - Clean Up Day
This is our twice yearly highway clean up day. The Teton Group of the Sierra Club has adopted a two mile stretch of highway south of Bondurant near the Rim.

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Copyright Sierra Club Wyoming Chapter.