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Maryland Chapter

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Meetings and Events

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Maryland Sierra Club Calendar

Donate to the Maryland Chapter!

Help save Maryland's Environment!  Contribute to local efforts - Click here 


You Can Make a Difference!

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Get Essential Information

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Maryland Groups

History of the MD Chapter

Click here to read a brief history of the Maryland Chapter!

Jamboree 2009: Sign up Now!

October 2-4, 2009 - Register


Don't miss this fun-filled weekend with live music, environmental workshops, hikes, and good company! More Info

Transmission Lines

Click to find out what's going on with MAPP and PATH, the two newly proposed transmission lines in Maryland.

Legislative Priorities

Sierra Club activists in Annapolis work to improve Maryland's environment!

Invasive Weeds Threaten Maryland's Native Wildlife

Learn more about the Sierra Club's efforts to eradicate harmful alien invasive weeds all over Maryland.


Ready to get involved?  Join in at a location near you.

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