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Sierra Club Hoosier (Indiana) Chapter

Legislation & Other Actions

Action on ACES or the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) has moved to the U.S. Senate after being approved by the House of Representatives. Congress needs to hear from you on the importance of climate change legislation.

America's Red Rock Wilderness Act
The largest network of unprotected wild land outside of Alaska is in southern Utah. Unfortunately this spectacular landscape is threatened by oil and gas drilling, and rampant abuse by off-road-vehicles. Join the Sierra Club in working to have this area permanently protected.

Take Action!
Be part of the solution. Here are easy ways for you to express your views on important legislation about conservation and the environment.

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Indiana Chapter Calendar

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Working to Keep Indiana Green!

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In The News

Blue Meets Green: A Hoosier Labor and Environmentalist GatheringIndiana Blue Green Alliance

On October 17, 2009 in Indianapolis the Indiana Blue-Green Alliance Summit will meet to explore mutual goals and priorities. What do union members and environmental activists need to know about one another? Read more here.

Fort Wayne Potluck, Biking, and Kayaking

Join us on Saturday, October 17th in Fort Wayne. Sierra Club members and anyone who supports the goals of Sierra Club to protect out environment are invited to a potluck, day of community, biking, and kayaking. This will be a day of fun and recreation to help increase the sense of community among environmentalists in northeast Indiana. Included will be an update on Sierra Club activities and the possibility for a local Sierra Club group in NE Indiana. Read more on this page.

October 24th: 350 Day of

Join us in Garfield Park for the Indianapolis to participate in a 3.5-mile walk for climate action. There’s no cost to participate but we encourage you to register in advance. Click here for more information about this event.

Want to help plan a 350 Day of Action on October 24? is helping people around the world to organize an action incorporating the number 350, which stands for the safe level of carbon dioxide, measured in parts per million, in the atmosphere to avoid runaway climate change. Click to learn more about the 350 Day of Action.

60 Minutes Examines Coal Ash DangersCBS-60 Minutes

Lesley Stahl and CBS's 60 Minutes take an in-depth look at the problems with the by-products of coal production. As you watch this disturbing video, keep this in mind: Indiana has 13 coal ash ponds.

Help us push efficiency through an updated building code

building codeHelp us persuade the Daniels Administration to update our residential building energy code. Improving the energy efficiency of our homes is the quickest and most cost-effective way of meeting Indiana’s energy needs while reducing carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. See more information here.

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Top Stories from the Indiana Chapter

Indiana Blue Green Alliance Forms
The adage that we are stronger when we work together is the basis of a new Indiana alliance between labor organizations and environmental groups formed last spring in Indianapolis. The purpose of the Blue Green Alliance (BGA) is to work together on issues that we share in common and to use the combined power of the labor and the environmental community to bring about progressive change in our communities and the Legislature.

The American Clean Energy and Security Act
Climate change legislation is moving quickly through Congress. The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (also known as the Waxman-Markey bill or ACES), and the bill now moves to the Senate. Have you told your Senator how important global warming is to you?

Great Lakes Congressional Members Call for BP Investigation
Nineteen Congressional leaders are requesting the U.S. EPA to investigate BP in northwestern Indiana. (No members of Congress from Indiana signed on to the letter.) The move comes after it was learned that BP's Whiting refinery emitted cancer-causing benzene at its wastewater treatment plant without proper air pollution control equipment for nearly six years.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Coal Company
The Supreme Court ruled against Massey Coal, stating a $3 million "contribution" created bias. Massey is the single biggest practitioner of devastating mountaintop removal coal mining.

Coal Lobbyist Appointed to IDEM Position
Environmentalists are again concerned about the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the administration of Governor Mitch Daniels. A long-time coal industry lobbyist has just been appointed to a key position with IDEM, while coal mine permits are pending. How can IDEM be objective?

IDNR to Provide Job Opportunities for Young Hoosiers
Are you between the ages of 16 and 24? Would you like to improve Indiana's parks, trails, and natural habitats? The Young Hoosiers Conservation Corps. will hire 2,000 young adults this summer to do just that. Apply now!

Student Summer Leadership Programs
The Sierra Student Coalition is gearing up for another packed summer of leadership trainings! There will be 9 Summer Environmental Leadership Training Programs (Sprogs) around the country -- CA, IL, NH, NM, OR, PR (Spanish speaking), TX, VA, and WA. These programs teach high school and college-aged youth how to be effective advocates and provide grassroots organizing skills. You won't want to miss it, so spread the word! Watch the YouTube video and then register on-line!

Recovery Watch
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been passed, and President Obama has promised transparency and accountability. The Hoosier Chapter would like to especially monitor how this money is being used in Indiana and surrounding areas. Help us to make sure this money is being used wisely and sustainably.

Questions Remain About IDEM's Handling of BP Air Permit Hearing
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management refuses to answer certain questions about the timing of a public hearing on BP's air permit. Who at IDEM was responsible for ignoring state law and providing inadequate notice of the hearing?

Make Healthy Choices for Healthy Oceans
Don't dine out or shop for seafood without the Monterey Bay Aquarium's seafood guide! Available free on their website, take these free printable pocket guides to the market or restaurant to make eco-friendly choices.

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To report pollution
anywhere in Indiana, call:
1-888-233-7745 (24 hours a day)

All About Sierra Club Email Lists (ListServs)

The Sierra Club hosts hundreds of email lists concerned with national and local issues. See the complete directory of Sierra Club email lists.  There are numerous lists just for the Hoosier/Indiana Chapter - including the very hot "Hoosier-Topics."  Subscribe.  Read the archives.  Be informed.  Join the conversation.  Get involved!

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