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Fall 2009 Newsletter
The Energy Committee of the Delaware Sierra Club has a new campaign to fight global warming ... and everyone can help.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act this session and has sent it on to the Senate for consideration in September.
This is an historic bill that the Sierra Club supports because it is the first ever to address climate change. However, it is a flawed bill that has been weakened by the fossil fuel industry. The bill needs to increase investments in energy efficiency, hasten the transition to clean energy sources like wind and solar, and steer more investments toward the public benefit, not polluters. Significant changes to accomplish the emission reduction goals necessary to curb global warming and protect the Clean Air Act are necessary.
Each member has an opportunity to help with this campaign. Our goal is to send a strong message that Delawareans support a robust climate/energy bill that will get the job done!

Follow these links for the tools you will need to participate:
1. Print out postcards and help collect signatures

2. Learn more about the American Clean Energy and Security Act

3. Download talking points you can use to tell others about what is going on.
How can I get involved?
Download the postcards and print as many as you think you can use. One is addressed to Senator Carper and one to Senator Kaufman. See how many people you can ask to sign these cards. Friends, family, and neighbors are a good place to start. You may also be part of a club or organization, church group, or work place where there are people concerned about global warming and energy independence. Everyone should sign both. Make sure that the handwriting is legible, and if not, ask the signer to print his or her name.
When you have collected as many signed cards as you can, mail them in an envelope to our Sierra Club office in Wilmington. We will be putting all the cards together and hand delivering them to the Senators' offices in the fall.
The address is:
Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club
100 W. 10th Street
Suite 106
Wilmington, DE 19801
If you would rather use pre-printed cards, please email June Satterfield at and give your name, address, and the number of cards you would like to have. June will mail them to you.






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