

We create opportunities in areas you may not have thought were possible!


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Pre-Registration for 2015 Saipan and Northern Islands Agricultural Fair now open.

Farmers and Ranchers wanting to participate in the 32nd Saipan and Northern Islands Agricultural Fair are encouraged to download the Pre-Registration form here. Deadline for Pre-Registration is Friday, June 26. For questions about Plant Categories call Mr. Jack Songsong (322-9834) or Mr. Victor Guerrero (256-3321). Mr. Juan Taman or Mr. Robert Magofna will answer you questions about animal entries to the fair under 324-6169.

Saipan and Northern Islands Agricultural Fair on June 27. Rulebook available online.

The Agricultural Fair fair is slated for Saturday, June 27.  Prizes for the plant category total $7,000 while animal category shall reach $4,000.  Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to start preparing their crops and livestock for entry, and need to pre-register. The fair's rulebook has just been released. Print copies are available at the Agriculture offce in Kagman, NMC CREES in As Terlaje, Animal Health Industry office in As Perdido, and the Farmer’s Public Market in Garapan.  For an online version click here.

The Association is also selling advertisement pages to help pay costs. SAFA is seeking for the following sponsorships; Platinum - $5,000, Gold - $3,000, Silver - $2,000, & Bronze - $1,000.  Interested donors may contact SAFA at 664-8512.    

The 2015 fair will take place on Saturday, June 27 at the 4-H Building in Susupe.  For general inquiries, please call DLNR at 322-9834.

2014 CariPac Summer Internship Program

NMC-CREES is inviting upcoming junior and senior high school students to apply for the 2014 CariPac Summer Internship Program on Saipan and Tinian. The program starts July 28 and end on August 22. Deadline for application is July 11 at 4:30pm. For more information call 237-6844 or 6855.

Application can be picked up at the CREES Admin Offices on Saipan and Tinian or downloaded here.

Marianas Grazing Academy Workshop this Saturday on Tinian

NMC-CREES, in partnership with the University of Hawaii-Cooperative Extension Service will be holding a one-day workshop as part of the Marianas Grazing Academy program. The workshop will take place at the NMC-Tinian Campus in the morning and continuing with a farm visit in the afternoon.   The workshop is scheduled for 9a.m. to 3p.m. and will cover topics such as selection of breeding animals, judging beef cattle, and evaluation of leuceana production.  Please see the attached workshop flyer for more details.  

We hope you can make it to the workshop.   Please help us spread the word about this event. Also, please feel free to contact Lawerence Duponcheel at the numbers below, if you should have any questions:


MGM Flyer

NMC-CREES 4-H 2014 Summer Camp

The Northern Marianas College Cooperative Research, Extension and Education Service (NMC-CREES) will host the 4-H 2014 Summer Camp from Mondays through Fridays from June 23 to July 3 (8 am to 12 am). Read More...




Rota Aquaponics Education and Training Center now open

On October 11, 2013, the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the Rota Aquaponics Education & Training Center took place. This center is a collaboration between the Rota Mayor's Office, DLNR, Department of Commerce, Public Works and NMC-CREES. This Project was funded through a federal Technical Assistance Program Grant #D12AP00330 from the Office of Insular Affairs. You can watch the video of the ceremony here


Rota Aquaponics Ribbon Cutting


2013 CariPac High School Summer Internship Presentations up

Traditionally, our interns hold a final presentartion on how they spent the summer with CREES. Watch the eight-part recording here.

Agricultural Development Training

Saipan Sabalu Farmers Market, Inc. had organized an Agricultural Cooperative Development Training held by Kim Coontz and Luis from the California Center for Cooperstive Development at Fiesta Resort from February 27 to March 1. For those who weren't able to attend this training, we have posted the manual in our Download Section

Crop Calendar available

NMC-CREES has, in collaboration with the Chamorro and Carolinian Language Policy Commission, developed an Availability Calendar showing the harvest season for major crops in the CNMI.

You can download and print your own copy from here, or pick one up at the CREES Office.


Crop Calendar Web View

Picture above only for web view, not meant for printing



Medical Plants for Livestock Healthcare Handbook available now

Download it for free.

New Links

In our Links Section you will find links to websites with information on Citrus and Citrus Production.

NMC-CREES CariPac Presentation online

Our Director will be off for the annual CariPac meeting to Washington, D.C. next week. The presentation our director is going to hold can be watched in our video section.

Follow us on Twitter

For your convenience, we started to use Twitter as a notification tool to inform you about workshops, events and news about NMC-CREES. To follow us, simply click on the button below:



How to discern between Coffee Arabica and Robusta

This flyer is meant to help you to find out the difference between the two most common coffee varieties (to download a printable version click here)

difference between arabica and robusta

House Resolution 17-33

The CNMI Legislation recognizes NMC-CREES efforts in establishing an aquaculture industry in the CNMI - watch the video

New video up

Joe Borja presents his pineapple production during a Field Day. His project was made possible through Western SARE Grant #09-051. You can watch the video here

Slaughterhouse/Meat Businesss Feasibility Study online

The Slaughterhouse/Meat Business Feasibility Study is available online.

Brochures about Dragon Fruit and Papaya are up

In it's efforts to diversify and to increase crop quality, NMC-CREES has published brochures on Dragon Fruit and Papaya. You can donwload them from here. Paper copies will be available at your island's Extension Office.

CNMI Animal Health Survey now available for download.

The CNMI Aquaculture Development Plan 2011-2015 is now online.

The plan was put together by CREES' Aquaculture and Fisheries Development Program with the help from the Aquaculture Section of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and input from the people of the CNMI. A click on this link will download the PDF file, or you can download it directly from the CREES.ORG Download Section


© 2011-2015, NMC-CREES