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Library > Fact Sheets > Pharmacy - In-Patient Services - WPMC


Posted 1/2/2013 Printable Fact Sheet

The Inpatient Pharmacy is located inside Wright-Patterson Medical Center and operates 24x7. Please note that outpatient prescriptions are not filled at the Inpatient Pharmacy.

º Drug Use Evaluation
Pharmacy staff monitor patients to ensure the drug dosage is appropriate. They examine laboratory reports regarding renal and hepatic function to identify areas of concern and then make recommendations to physicians for dosage adjustments if necessary.

º Adverse Drug Reactions
Pharmacist also monitor drug orders to minimize the chances of a patient experiencing adverse drug reactions during hospitalization.

º Drug Interactions
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians use a computerized program to help them screen for potential drug interactions that may be harmful, prolong hospitalization or worsen a patients medical condition.

º Discharge Counseling
Pharmacists provide medication counseling to patients prior to discharge from the Medical Center. Medication counseling provides the patient with the information they need to effectively manage their health outside of the hospital. Information is provided on the proper use of the medication, possible side effects and interactions.

º Medication Distribution
The Pharmacy uses automated technology (PYXIS®) to stock many of the most frequently prescribed medications on the nursing units throughout the Medical Center. This service saves time for staff and enables patients to receive medications as quickly as possible. The advanced monitoring technology ensures the security of the medications.

Inpatient Pharmacy Telephone Numbers
Pharmacy Information line at (937) 257-9032
Pharmacy Patient Advocates (937) 257-9014/9019
Officer in Charge (937) 257-0132
Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (937) 257-9019

Fact Sheet Point of Contact
88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
(937) 522-3252

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