Video Publishing

Give your users the best viewing experience possible. No matter where they are, or which device they’re using, Kaltura will deliver the highest-quality video, live or on-demand. Simplify publishing with our pre-integrated, out-of-the-box publishing apps.

Device SupportVideo Platform - Cross Device Support

Publish content to any type of device - mobile, PC, tablet, set-top-box, or connected TV. Your users will enjoy an optimal viewing experience with adaptive bit-rate or progressive download video delivery.





Players & Playlists

Create a dynamic viewing experience with customizable players and playlists. Style players to reflect your brand, and enable interactive features like sharing and embedding, video download, editing, rating, and annotation.

Video Platform - Video Players and Playlists









Live Streaming

Schedule and broadcast live events, while leveraging all the features of on-demand video: advertising, syndication, sharing, management & archiving, and analytics.

Access Control & Scheduling

Control when and where your content is published. Content can be available all the time, or only within a specified timeframe. Open your media to the world, or restrict by domain and geo location.

Video Extensions for Content Management Systems (CMS)

Video Platform - MediaSpace Video Portal

Publish rich-media content to, and from within, your existing CMS. Add a fully integrated  layer of media management to your CMS. Learn more.

Video Extensions for Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Publish rich-media content to, and from within, your existing LMS. Add a fully integrated  layer of media management to your LMS. Learn more.

Kaltura MediaSpace™

Publish your content in your own “private YouTube” with Kaltura’s out-of-the-box and configurable video portal. Learn more.


Video Platform - Video on Mobile DevicesMobile Web and HTML5

Transcode content into multiple flavors and seamlessly deliver to devices such as Android, Blackberry, iPhone and iPad. Device detection with automatic fallback to HTML5 will ensure a seamless viewer experience. Includes support for monetization and analytics.



TV Everywhere

Handle all aspects of your TV Everywhere strategy. Allows subscribers to existing television subscription services (generally cable TV) to access the programs on their subscription via the web and devices.  Manage rights and entitlement, authentication and authorization, monetization, analytics and more.

Publish to Set-top boxes

Publish to Roku, Boxee, and other set-top boxes with the click of a button. Create your own channels and apps to reach your viewers in the comfort of their home.

Distribution & Syndication

Distribute content to your channels on partner sites such as YouTube, Hulu, and DailyMotion, or create video feeds for third-party platforms such as Google, Yahoo! and iTunes.


Maximize your content’s exposure on search engines with best-practice video SEO. Create a dynamic video site map, and Kaltura will take care of its distribution to search engines.


Use Kaltura Rich Publishing API to integrate video into your own publishing platform and to streamline and automate publishing workflows.

Open Source and Open Standards

Take full control of the publishing workflow. Extend and augment beyond the API layer. Kaltura is based on Open Standards such as the LAMP Stack, RESTfull APIs, and the OSMF Framework to allow you full flexibility. You can extend the server with your own plugins, build your own APIs and edit the source code to fit your needs.



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with Kaltura