U N I T E D   S T A T E S   A I R   F O R C E


Mr. Douglas L. Bowers, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is Director, Propulsion Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. He directs the Air Force's science and technology program in propulsion and power for space, missile and aircraft applications. He is responsible for $3 billion in propulsion and power research facilities at Wright-Patterson AFB and Edwards AFB, Calif., and leads a workforce of more than 1,000 executing a $400 million annual budget.

Mr. Bowers entered federal service in 1972 as a project engineer in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory, the predecessor to the current Air Vehicles Directorate. Early in his career, he served in a variety of senior technical positions within the Air Force, leading the development and fielding of advanced highly survivable engine inlets and exhaust nozzles. He has been a technical consultant to the C-17 Globemaster III, F-15E Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon and B-1 Lancer development programs. He served as a member and U.S. national coordinator for the NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development fluid dynamics panel. As a division chief, Mr. Bowers led all aspects of the technical and administrative program for experimental and computational development of breakthrough aerodynamic components enhancing warfighter capability.

As the sole Air Force staff member for the Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry, Mr. Bowers led, with the commissioners, the development of recommendations for aerospace industry health and national security for consideration by the President and Congress. Prior to his current position, Mr. Bowers served as Associate Director for Air Platforms responsible for turbine engines, power, hypersonics, fixed wing and rotary wing technology.

1972 Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
1976 Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
1998 National Security Management Course, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.
1999 Master of Science degree in engineering management, University of Dayton, Ohio
2000 Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, Va.
2002 Air War College, by seminar
2004 Air Force Senior Leadership Course, La Jolla, Calif.
2004 Senior Executive Service Air and Space Power Seminar, Maxwell, Ga.

1. June 1972 - December 1979, project manager, Advanced Aircraft Propulsion Integration, Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
2. January 1980 - June 1989, technical specialist, Advanced Aircraft Propulsion Integration, Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
3. July 1989 - June 1994, technical expert for development and utilization of thrust vectoring exhaust nozzles, Air Vehicles Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
4. July 1994 - April 1997, Lead, Airframe Propulsion and Weapons Integration Section, Air Vehicles Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
5. April 1997 - March 1998, Chief, Aeromechanics Integration Branch, Air Vehicles Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
6. March 1998 - October 1998, acting Director, Human Resources, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
7. November 1998 - March 1999, Manager, Wright Research Site, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
8. March 1999 - July 2001, Chief, Aerosciences Division, Air Vehicles Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
9. July 2001- November 2002, Air Force staff member, Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry, Washington, D.C.
10. November 2002 - October 2003, special assistant to Director for Air Platforms, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
11. October 2003 - July 2008, Associate Director for Air Platforms, Air Vehicles Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
12. July 2008 - present, Director, Propulsion Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

1998 Exemplary Civilian Service Award
2001 Meritorious Civilian Service Award
2004 Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service

(Current as of July 2008)