myLegion Introduction Page


Welcome to myLegion! is a FREE website designed to connect members of The American Legion to their Post and Department leadership,

myLegion includes a site at each level of the organization:

Members - allows members to view information on file at National Headquarters, view messages and events published through the department and post myLegion sites, and network with other myLegion members using networking tools.

Departments - provides membership information, reports and electronic membership tools such as data change forms for all posts and squadrons within their department.

Posts/Districts/Counties - provides Legion and SAL information for all members in their post.  Allows post to submit member data change forms and Consolidated Post Reports electronically.  Upload post image, newsletter, message, and calendar.   Create membership listings, view members renewing online, search for members who have expired or are members of the department headquarters post, and chat with other officers discussing veterans issues and sharing membership ideas. 

Pick your myLegion site

Members  Click Here

Available for Legion members only.

Departments  Click Here

Available for department staff only.

Posts/Districts/Counties  Click Here
Available for American Legion Posts, Districts and Counties only. 

Prior to creating a Post/District/County account, an Authorization Form  must be completed and submitted to National Headquarters for processing.

2015 The American Legion. All Rights Reserved.