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NARGS is for gardening enthusiasts interested in alpine, saxatile, and low-growing perennials. It encourages the study and cultivation of wildflowers that grow well among rocks, whether such plants originate above treeline or at lower elevations. Through its publications, meetings, and garden visits, NARGS provides extensive opportunities for both beginners and experts to expand their knowledge of plant cultivation and propagation, and of construction, maintenance, and design of special interest gardens. Woodland gardens, bog gardens, raised beds, planted walls, container gardens, and alpine berms are all addressed.

Toward this end NARGS offers its members the Rock Garden Quarterly, an annual seedlist, local chapter meetings, and a growing web presence. Yes, membership has its advantages. You can see why our members are so passionate about rock gardening by viewing My Continuing Education as a Rock Gardener, by Bobby Ward, the past NARGS president, or by visiting some gardens.

NARGS, organized in 1934, currently has approximately 2,650 members in the US, Canada, and thirty other nations. For an overview of the history of rock gardening in North America, see the short historical essay.

Interested in joining us?  Link here to the membership page
